Journal Articles
Gendered language and gendered violence
Highlights Gendered language and intimate partner violence are correlated at country level. Speaking a gendered language is linked with acceptance of intimate partner violence. The effect of grammatical gender works through a cultural and a cognitive channel. Abstract This study... Read article

Trust a few: Natural disasters and the disruption of trust in Africa
Highlights Natural disaster exposure imposes a negative influence on the formation of trust. Shocks during the impressionable years influence the development of trust. Increased disaster frequency has a negative association with interpersonal and institutional trust. Abstract Individuals are at their... Read article

Individualism and the legal status of prostitution
We know very little about why the legal status of prostitution varies across countries. Drawing on central arguments in the normative literature on the legal status of prostitution, in which a central argument concerns the sexual and bodily autonomy of... Read article

Non-linear impact of income inequality on mental health: evidence from low and middle-income countries
In this study, we examine the relationship between income inequality and mental health using a sample of low and middle-income countries over the period 1990–2019. Using a dynamic panel threshold model that allows for endogeneity in both the regressors and... Read article

The contented Australian female worker: Paradox lost, paradox found
In a seminal 1997 paper, Andrew Clark observed that British women report higher job satisfaction than their male counterparts, despite generally holding inferior jobs. To become known as the ‘paradox of the contented female worker’, Clark argued this was due... Read article

Gender gaps in the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
In this paper we examine whether there are significant gender differences in the adoption of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices in sub-Saharan Africa. Using individual-level data from four sites in Kenya, Uganda and Senegal, our empirical analysis provides robust evidence that... Read article

Pro-environmental behaviour and subjective well-being: Culture has a role to play
This paper explores the relationship between pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs) and subjective well-being (SBW) through the lens of cultural values. Using data from a global sample of individuals from the World Value Surveys, we show that there is a strong positive... Read article

Temperature, health and wellbeing in Australia
We examine the effects of temperature on general health and subjective wellbeing. We combine daily temperature data with 19 waves of panel data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. We find evidence of an inverted U-shaped... Read article

Women’s work: myth or reality? Occupational feminism and women’s job satisfaction in Australia
Data on men and women’s job satisfaction conditional upon the degree of feminisation of their occupation are used to explore potential causes of occupational segregation by gender in the Australian labour market. We find some evidence for the notion of... Read article

Identity and support for policies towards Indigenous people: evidence from Australia
This paper adds to knowledge on the role of politicians’ and voters’ identities in influencing policy-making in societies marked by ethnic inequality. The outcome we investigate is the initiatives and policies targeting Indigenous populations in the context of Australia. We... Read article

Does democracy protect the environment? The role of the Arctic Council
This paper examines the influence of democratic institutions on environmental policy stringency and the degree to which it is affected by membership in the Arctic Council. We hypothesize that, relative to countries with no Arctic presence, countries present in the... Read article

A tale of two life stages: The imprinting effect of macroeconomic contractions on later life entrepreneurship
— Drawing on lifespan psychology, our study addresses when and how macroeconomic contractions influence entrepreneurship. — — We develop competing arguments highlighting two distinct life stages: childhood and early adulthood. — — Contractions experienced during early adulthood increase one’s likelihood of becoming an entrepreneur by... Read article

Forecasting the stock-cryptocurrency relationship: Evidence from a dynamic GAS model
The impact of cryptocurrency on other assets has become a subject of intense research, given the rise of digital currency over the last decade. However, unlike traditional assets, cryptocurrency has been subject to extreme movements in price and volatility. As... Read article

Parenthood and the distribution of intra-household inequalities in wellbeing
While there is a large body of literature on the effects of parenthood on wellbeing, an intra-household perspective has, thus far, been limited. This is an important research gap given that the experience of raising children is typically associated with... Read article

Coping Collectively: Responses to Natural Disasters in Africa
Natural disasters occur at an increasing frequency affecting the lives of individuals in significant ways. We study the coping responses to disasters, matching data on disaster locations with individual-level survey data from over 150,000 individuals in 37 African countries in... Read article

Remote housing for Indigenous children in the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia: A case study
Poor-quality and overcrowded housing in remote communities in Australia is widely seen to negatively impact Indigenous children’s health and development. Despite widespread reports of, in some instances, quite appalling housing conditions, recent analyses of data from the Longitudinal Study of... Read article

Religion and Environment in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics
A large body of literature is concerned with understanding the determinants of individual- and country-level differences in environmental attitudes, behaviors, and policies. One important factor underlying such differences that has been put forward and explored in this literature is religion.... Read article

Inequality and access to services for remote populations: An Australian case study
Almost half of the world population lives in rural and remote areas facing more challenging and hazardous life conditions than the rest of the population. This paper and proposed method contribute to addressing an apparent gap in modelling travel-related decisions... Read article

Exposure to conflict and child health outcomes: evidence from a large multi-country study
Previous research has consistently found evidence of poor health outcomes among children living in conflict areas. However, the methodological focus of these studies has largely been on case studies, chart or registry reviews, qualitative studies, and single country studies. This... Read article

Retirement and the distribution of intra-household wellbeing
This study analyses the links between retirement and the distribution of intra-household wellbeing among Australian mixed-sex couples. We study the implications of own and partner’s retirement on measures of life satisfaction, financial satisfaction, and free time satisfaction using household panel... Read article

Conflicts and son preference: micro-level evidence from 58 countries
Research on the association between armed conflict and son preference has largely been based on single-country studies, often presenting descriptive patterns. This paper empirically analyses the association between conflict and son preference using a sample of more than 1.1 million... Read article

Parental expectations of children’s higher education participation in Australia
The role of parental expectations in determining children’s higher education participation is important in understanding both participation and potential policy responses Using a nationally representative longitudinal survey of Australian households, providing repeat observations on expectations for individual children, this study... Read article

Course non-completion and multiple qualifications: re-estimating the returns to education in Australia
Among Australian studies estimating returns to education, there is a consensus that education is a highly profitable investment. Conventional estimates of returns to education examine earnings conditional upon individuals’ years of education, with years spent in education typically inferred from... Read article

Income inequality and housing prices in the very long-run
We examine the relationship between income inequality and house prices for a panel of 17 OECD countries over the period 1870 to 2015. Our identification strategy takes advantage of exogenous variation in culturally weighted communist influence to instrument for within-country... Read article

Housing quality, remoteness and Indigenous children’s outcomes in Australia
In Australia, the Indigenous population disproportionately resides in more remote parts of the country, and a number of outcomes for Indigenous children decline with remoteness. It is widely accepted that inferior housing conditions, notably crowding, contribute to Indigenous disadvantage in... Read article

The Role of Land Ownership and Non-Farm Livelihoods on Household Food and Nutrition Security in Rural India
South Asia remains the region with the highest prevalence of undernourishment with India accounting for 255 million food insecure people. A worsening of child nutritional outcomes has been observed in many Indian states recently and children in rural areas have... Read article

Forecasting the dynamic relationship between crude oil and stock prices since the 19th century
In this paper, we model and forecast the volatility and correlation between oil prices and stock returns. Employing a recently innovated generalized autoregressive score (GAS) model based on the score function and using long historical data spanning from 1871 to... Read article

Employment and the distribution of intra-household financial satisfaction
This study applies a methodology used by De Henau and Himmelweit (2013) to study resource allocation in Australian mixed-sex couple households. Using 18 waves of data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey and by means of... Read article

Discretely innovating: The effect of limited market contestability on innovation and growth
I consider the impact of market contestability on innovation and growth. To examine this, I use discrete entry (i.e. an integer number of firms) as a tool to vary contestability in each sector of a disaggregated multi-sector endogenous growth model.... Read article

The unintended consequences of increasing returns to scale in geographical economics
Increasing returns to scale is the basis for many powerful results in economics and economic geography. But the limitations of assumptions about returns to scale in economic growth theories are often ignored when applied to geography. This leads to an... Read article

Agricultural production diversity and child nutritional outcomes in rural Myanmar
This paper empirically investigates the links between agricultural diversity and child nutritional status in rural Myanmar. The data for this analysis come from a two-round survey of households conducted in six rural townships in Myanmar between February 2016 and November... Read article

Gender health gaps: The role of risky addictive behaviors
Despite significant improvements in health and longevity, the gender gap in health persists. Using longitudinal data from 15 waves of the HILDA survey for the period from 2005 to 2019, this paper examines the impacts of risky addictive behaviors given... Read article

Time-varying geopolitical risk and oil prices
This paper examines the time-varying effect of oil price on geopolitical risk. Using monthly panel data of 16 countries for the period 1997:M01 – 2020:M02 and employing a varying-coefficient nonparametric panel data model, we find that oil price and its volatility have... Read article

Exposure to conflicts and the continuum of maternal healthcare
Violent conflicts are observed in many parts of the world and have profound impacts on the lives of exposed individuals. The limited evidence available from specific country or region contexts suggest that conflict exposure may reduce health service utilization and... Read article

Secondary students’ access to careers information: the role of socio-economic background
This paper focusses on how careers advice provided to Australian secondary school students varies according to students’ socio-economic background. National data for students in Years 11 and 12 from five cohorts of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth initiated between... Read article

The impact of energy poverty on physical violence
Despite the fact that energy poverty and violence are emerging as a priority in many countries’ policy agendas, little is known regarding the interplay between energy poverty and violence. This paper is the first to investigate the impact of energy... Read article

The role of conflict in sex discrimination: the case of missing girls
Conflicts between ethnic groups can threaten group survival and exacerbate son preference in conformity with the traditional role of men as group defenders. We study the impact of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region on the subnational variation of... Read article

Changing demand for STEM skills in Australia and gender implications
A method is developed for measuring the intensity with which skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are used in different occupations based on workers’ field of education of their highest qualification and weighted by the wage premium associated... Read article

Foreign aid and the quality of economic institutions
Identification of the causal effect that foreign aid has on the quality of institutions in recipient countries has been elusive in the aid effectiveness literature. The main reason is that aid is endogenous with respect to the development of institutions.... Read article

Bachelor degree participation in vocational institutions: examining the determinants of participation
Recent studies in Australia have found that bachelor’s degree participation in vocational institutions in Australia tends to skew towards students from high and middle socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds. This outcome runs counter to overall vocational participation which is dominated by... Read article

Preferences for government assistance to forced migrants: do perceptions of disadvantage matter?
Developing regions have received a significant share of refugees over the past decade yet knowledge on willingness to extend government support to these groups in host countries is limited. This paper explores how perceived disadvantage of refugees and internally displaced... Read article

Can bribery buy health? Evidence from post-communist countries
Corruption is pervasive, but we know little about its effects on individual lives. Using individual-level data from 28 post-communist countries, we demonstrate that bribing for public services worsens self-assessed health. We account for endogeneity of bribery and show that bribing... Read article

Heaven can wait: future tense and religiosity
This paper identifies a new source of differences in religiosity: the type of future tense marking in language. We argue that the rewards and punishments that incentivise religious behaviour are more effective for speakers of languages without inflectional future tense.... Read article

The impact of geopolitical risk on tourism
In this paper, we examine the impact of geopolitical risk on the demand for tourism service export. Using structural VAR model and U.S. monthly data from January 1999 to August 2020, we find that geopolitical risk has a negative and... Read article

Is There an Informal Employment Penalty in Food Security? Evidence from Rural Vietnam
This report considers evidence about the existence and scale of agglomeration economies, including in Australian cities. Agglomeration economies are inherently complex in terms of how they interact with city size and rising housing costs; regional and spatial issues; change over... Read article

Within-city dwelling price growth and convergence: trends from Australia’s large cities
Within Australia’s larger cities, we observe differences in price dynamics across different sub-periods over the period 2001–2016. A combination of housing market cycles, policy reforms and different new supply configurations offers potential explanations. Neighbourhood dwelling prices within all cities and... Read article

Female autonomy in household decision-making and intimate partner violence: evidence from Pakistan
The aim of this study is to explore the links between female autonomy in household decision-making and intimate partner violence in a highly relevant yet under-studied context: Pakistan. Using a nationally representative dataset, and employing matching and partial identification estimation... Read article

JobKeeper: The efficacy of Australia’s first short-time wage subsidy
The Australian JobKeeper wage subsidy is an unprecedented public policy response to a once in a century health and economic crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of this paper is on the efficacy of the Australian JobKeeper program... Read article

The uneven distribution of housing supply, 2006–2016
This research, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), examines the quantity, composition and distribution of new housing supply across Australia 2006–16 and seeks to explain variations in local rates of production with reference to demand-side considerations... Read article

Autonomous vehicles and cycling: Policy implications and management issues
Cycling as a form of active transport has great benefits for individuals and society, yet prevalence rates in many countries are low. The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is likely to have substantial implications for cyclists, however little is known... Read article

A methodology for projecting sparse populations and its application to remote Indigenous communities
A new method is proposed for generating projections for sparse populations by locality, age cohort and gender. An adaptation of the cohort replacement method, the approach uses a Tobit model with varying censoring limits to model population changes by cohort.... Read article

Measuring governance: Why do errors matter?
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) are well-known proxies for institutions and are widely used in many studies across different disciplines. Each of the six WGI is constructed by aggregating several baseline indicators that reflect information about a single latent variable.... Read article

Migration flows in commodity cycles: Assessing the role of migration policies
This paper sheds light on the role of immigration policies in shaping immigration flows in responses to labor market changes. Using data from Australia during the 2001 to 2015 commodity cycle as a quasi-experiment, we find that employer-sponsored (demand-driven) immigration... Read article

Macroeconomic fluctuations in home countries and immigrants’ well-being
This article exploits plausibly exogenous changes in macroeconomic conditions across home countries over time and panel individual data to examine the causal impact of home countries’ macroeconomic conditions on immigrants’ well-being in Australia. We present new and robust evidence that... Read article

Inter-generational transmission of Indigenous culture and children’s wellbeing: Evidence from Australia
A limited body of empirical evidence suggests a strong sense of cultural identity promotes wellbeing and other socio-economic outcomes for First Nations people, including for Indigenous Australians. A challenge to this evidence is potential endogeneity: that Indigenous people who achieve... Read article

A multi-sector model of relatedness, growth and industry clustering
This article builds an understanding of regional innovation specialisation by developing a multi-sector model with endogenous growth through quality improving innovations and spillovers from related technologies. The model provides an approach to incorporate the relatedness literature within the mainstream theoretical... Read article

The potential implications of autonomous vehicles for active transport
Active transport (e.g., walking, cycling, and public transport) is associated with numerous health benefits and is the most environmentally sustainable means of personal transport. The introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is expected to result in wide-scale changes to active transport... Read article

The decades-long dispute over scale effects in the Theory of Economic Growth
The so‐called “new growth theory” is characterized by the now Nobel Prize winning insight that ideas are a nonrival input to and output from endogenous investment in innovation. Nonrivalry implies increasing returns to scale, but this also unintentionally creates an... Read article

Governance, democracy and development
While it is obvious that the level of democracy will affect the quality of governance, we show that an electoral democracy should not be expected to have an improved level of governance when compared with an outright authoritarian regime. We... Read article

Labour market implications of promoting women’s participation in STEM in Australia
It is commonly argued that maintaining and enhancing Australia’s standard of living will require increasing the proportion of the population attaining university level qualifications in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Accordingly, governments and universities have been proactive in encouraging... Read article

Dimensions of attitudes to autonomous vehicles
For the benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) to be optimized, the fleet conversion process needs to be efficient and timely. This study explored public attitudes to AVs to inform strategies to increase receptivity to the wide-scale use of AVs. A... Read article

Culture, migration and educational performance: a focus on gender outcomes using Australian PISA tests
This paper explores how cultural and migrant backgrounds affect boys’ and girls’ high-school academic performance. Scores from the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment are analysed for Australian children from migrant and non-migrant families, conditional upon a measure of gender... Read article

Clusters of potential autonomous vehicles users according to propensity to use individual versus shared vehicles
As the widespread use of autonomous vehicles (AVs) becomes increasingly likely, an important consideration is the extent to which individuals prefer either private ownership or shared use modes. Both modes are currently evolving, each with distinct but overlapping challenges. Understanding... Read article

The impact of compatibility on innovation in markets with network effects
This article analyses the relationship between compatibility and innovation in markets with network effects using a model of competition with endogenous R&D, commercialization and compatibility. Compatibility is a mutual decision between firms and demand is partially dependent on overall consumption... Read article

Self-assessed versus statistical evidence of racial discrimination: The case of Indigenous Australians
This paper provides new insights on the labour market discrimination faced by Indigenous Australians – one of the most disadvantaged indigenous populations in developed countries. Combining two large, nationally-representative datasets, we decompose the employment gap between indigenous and non-indigenous populations... Read article

Gender and climate change: Do female parliamentarians make difference?
This paper investigates whether female political representation in national parliaments influences climate change policy outcomes. Based on data from a large sample of countries, we demonstrate that female representation leads countries to adopt more stringent climate change policies. We exploit... Read article

Talking in the Present, Caring for the Future: Language and Environment
This paper identifies a new source that explains environmental behaviour: the presence of future tense marking in language. We predict that languages that grammatically mark the future affect speakers’ intertemporal preferences and thereby reduce their willingness to address environmental problems.... Read article

When two worlds collude: Working from home and family functioning in Australia
This article analyses the effect of employees working from home on their partners’ assessments of family functioning using Australian household panel data collected from 2001 to 2013 in 48 multivariate models. Some evidence is found that working from home contributes... Read article

Alcohol consumption, censorship and misjudgement
In the study of the economic determinants of alcohol consumption, there is an under-appreciated issue of sample selectivity as consumption is often not fully observed. Sample selectivity involves ignoring consumption below a censorship cut-off level. This article estimates a demand... Read article

The association between income, wealth, economic security perception, and health: a longitudinal Australian study
The study used data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey to explore three hypotheses: (1) that income and wealth both predict economic security perception, mental health, and physical health; (2) that gradients in health outcomes... Read article

The impact of intergenerational financial transfers on health and wellbeing outcomes: A longitudinal study
This paper estimates the impacts of intergenerational financial transfers on the physical health, mental health and perceived financial security of Australian males and females. We distinguish between two key sources of intergenerational financial transfers – inheritances and inter vivos parental... Read article

Association between pregnant women’s experience of stress and partners’ fly-in-fly-out work
It is relatively common in Western Australia for men to commute long distances and work away from home for extended periods of time, often referred to as fly-in-fly-out work. Women are particularly susceptible to the effects of stress during pregnancy,... Read article

Superannuation and economic inequality among older Australians: evidence from HILDA
This article seeks to identify the effect that the current superannuation system has on economic inequality in later life. The analysis uses income and wealth data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, collected between 2002 and 2014,... Read article

Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Housing Supply
This paper provides an analysis of spatial and temporal patterns in housing supply in Australia over the period 2005–06 to 2015–16. It shows that by international standards, per capita housing supply is very strong in Australia. However, housing supply is... Read article

Who adopts the Airbnb innovation?
Airbnb is the most prominent example of novel peer-to-peer networks in tourism. This new form of accommodation provision may alter demand structures in tourism destinations and has led to uncertainty amongst established accommodation providers and destination marketers. To gain a... Read article

The Potential Implications of Autonomous Vehicles in and around the Workplace
The advent of autonomous vehicles is forecast to bring enormous changes to the workplace as positions primarily involving driving become progressively redundant. Little is known about public awareness of these impending changes and the potential impacts on society and individuals.... Read article

Brief Report: The Unrealized Potential of Autonomous Vehicles for an Aging Population
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the potential to improve the health and well-being of older people. This exploratory study involved in-depth interviews with 43 key stakeholders across a broad range of sectors to identify the primary policy implications of AVs for aging populations. Four... Read article

Are time and money equally substitutable for all commodity groups in the household’s domestic production?
This article uses time-use and household expenditure data to measure the substitutability between time and money within the Beckerian household production framework. The elasticity of substitution is estimated for five commodity groups and across two developing countries: Ecuador and Guatemala.... Read article

The health benefits of autonomous vehicles: Public awareness and receptivity in Australia
The aim of this study was to assess Australians’ attitudes to the advent of autonomous vehicles and the extent of their reported unprompted and prompted awareness of the potential health-related benefits arising from this technological advancement. The results indicate an... Read article

The Rise of Shared Work Spaces: A Disruption to Urban Planning Policy?
New models of shared work spaces have the potential to disrupt planning for traditional employment spaces. Drawing on a pilot study of Greater Perth and regional Western Australia, relevant planning policies and interviews with a sample of managers and users... Read article

Gender gaps in long-term earnings and retirement wealth
We measure gender gaps in long-term earnings and retirement wealth over the 15-year period from 2001 to 2015. Our analysis of data from the Housing, Income, and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey generates new estimates of the effects of education... Read article

Who are the future volunteers in rural places?
This paper examines the demographic characteristics of the current pool of volunteers for rural areas and how volunteering relates to individuals’ rural background, sense of connection to the community and future intentions to remain in the community. The paper uses... Read article

The evolution of the gender test score gap through seventh grade: new insights from Australia using unconditional quantile regression and decomposition
This paper documents the patterns and examines the factors contributing to a gender gap in educational achievements in early seventh grade of schooling using a recent and nationally representative panel of Australian children. Regression results indicate that females excel at... Read article

Do employers reward physical attractiveness in transition countries
This paper studies the labour market returns to physical attractiveness using data from three transition countries of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. I estimate a large positive effect of attractive looks on males probability of employment. Results from the... Read article

A regional model of endogenous growth without scale assumptions
In this paper we model growth using a scale-neutral approach to innovation allowing differences between regions to emerge due to regional mechanisms. In this model, agglomeration is growth enhancing as the scale effect for innovation arises from greater access to... Read article

Misreporting and econometric modelling of zeros in survey data on social bads: An application to cannabis consumption
When modelling “social bads,” such as illegal drug consumption, researchers are often faced with a dependent variable characterised by a large number of zero observations. Building on the recent literature on hurdle and double‐hurdle models, we propose a double‐inflated modelling... Read article

Oil and Women: A Re-examination
In a seminal article, Ross (2008) reports a negative correlation between oil production and women’s representation in the labour force and politics across countries. This article re-examines these relationships exploiting variations in oil endowments to address endogeneity concerns. We confirm... Read article

Aspects of Governance and CO2 Emissions:
The reduction of CO2 emissions has been at the centre of worldwide debates on environmental issues, though its inclusion as one of the millennium development goals (MDGs) by the United Nations has changed the focus of relative literature. Among many,... Read article

Modelling Illegal Drug Participation
We contribute to the small, but important, literature exploring the incidence and implications of misreporting in survey data. Specifically, when modelling social bads, such as illegal drug consumption, researchers are often faced with exceptionally low reported participation rates. We propose... Read article

Returns to language skills in transition economies
In many transition countries, the collapse of communism ushered in language reforms to adapt to the newfound independence from the Soviet Union and openness to the rest of the world. Such reforms may have implications for individuals’ economic opportunities, since... Read article
Linguistic Structures and Economic Outcomes
Linguistic structures have recently started to attract attention from economists as determinants of economic phenomena. This paper provides the first comprehensive review of this nascent literature and its achievements so far. First, we explore the complex connections between language, culture,... Read article

Equity in higher education and graduate labour market outcomes in Australia
The rate of higher education participation in Australia has increased over the past decade for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. This study contributes to the knowledge on the outcomes of disadvantaged individuals who complete higher education by looking at the labour... Read article

The Impact of Maternal Mental Health Shocks on Child Health
Estimates from Fixed Effects Instrumental Variables Models for two Cohorts of Australian Children This paper contributes to an emerging body of literature on intergenerational transmission in health by presenting the causal estimates on the impact of maternal mental health shocks... Read article

Parental expectations for young people’s participation in higher education in Australia
This paper examines factors affecting parental expectations of higher education prospects for their children using Australian household survey data. We find that a variety of factors influence parental expectations, of which parents’ assessment of their children’s academic performance is the... Read article

Out of sight but not out of mind: Home countries’ macroeconomic volatilities and immigrants’ mental health
We provide the first empirical evidence that better economic performances by immigrants’ countries of origin, as measured by lower CPI or higher GDP, improve immigrants’ mental health. We use an econometrically-robust approach that exploits exogenous changes in macroeconomic conditions across... Read article

Trade Diversion as Firm Adjustment to Trade Policy:
This paper evaluates the impact of the 2006 European Union anti-dumping (AD) action on Vietnamese footwear in three markets: imports to the EU, footwear producers in Vietnam, and the trade diversionary adjustment of Vietnamese firms in the US market. We... Read article

The Australian housing system: a quiet revolution?
The Australian housing system is quietly undergoing a major transformation. Many young and middle-aged home owners are paying down large mortgages that leave them precariously positioned on the margins of ownership. As house prices have remained stubbornly high relative to... Read article

Employers’ perception of the costs and the benefits of hiring individuals with autism spectrum disorder in open employment in Australia
Research has examined the benefits and costs of employing adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the perspective of the employee, taxpayer and society, but few studies have considered the employer perspective. This study examines the benefits and costs of employing adults with... Read article

The dynamics of informal care provision in the Australian household panel survey: Previous work characteristics and future care provision
This study contributes to a small literature on the dynamics of informal care by examining the informal care provision choices of working age Australians. We focus on the impact of previous work characteristics (including work security and flexibility) on subsequent... Read article

Re-imagining the future for desert Australia
Desert regions of the world comprise about 25% of the world’s land surface and are home to 500 million people, yet are often portrayed as extreme places with resident communities marginalised from mainstream development. Australia has a relatively vast desert... Read article

Far removed: an insight into the labour markets of remote communities in central Australia
There are ongoing debates about the livelihoods of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians living in remote communities, and the role for policy in addressing socio-economic equity and the economic viability of those communities. The characteristics and dynamics of remote... Read article

Life on the edge: a perspective on precarious home ownership in Australia and the UK
This paper focuses on two countries with debt-funded ownership-centred housing systems, Australia and the UK. Financially, there are similarities between these two societies, which have relatively ‘complete’, reasonably well-regulated mortgage markets, had limited exposure to the extremes of subprime, and... Read article

Exchange rate fluctuations and immigrants’ labour market outcomes
In this paper, we exploit plausibly exogenous changes in exchange rates across home countries over time and panel data to identify the causal impact of exchange rate fluctuations on Australian immigrants’ labour market outcomes. We present new and robust evidence... Read article

Parental health and children’s cognitive and non-cognitive development
This paper examines the effects of parental health on cognitive and non-cognitive development in Australian children. The underlying nationally representative panel data and a child fixed effects estimator are used to deal with unobserved heterogeneity. We find that only father’s... Read article

Housing equity withdrawal: perceptions of obstacles among Australian home owners and service providers
Housing wealth dominates the asset portfolios of the older population in Australia and many other countries. Given the anticipated spike in fiscal costs associated with population ageing, there is growing policy interest in housing equity withdrawal (HEW) to finance living... Read article

On the role of governance and health aid on child mortality
Globally, child mortality rates continue to be unacceptably high despite improvement in child health outcomes. The role of macro level indicators, such as governance and health aid on child mortality, remains under-researched. The aim of this article is to analyse... Read article

Wellbeing at the edges of ownership
The test of a well-functioning housing system is the wellbeing of its occupants. It may therefore seem encouraging that in jurisdictions dominated by mortgage-backed home ownership, owner-occupiers traditionally report better physical and mental health than renters. During the 2000s, however,... Read article

The edges of home ownership – the borders of sustainability
In many Western countries the edges of ownership form a neglected zone between the majority tenure, sustainable owner-occupation, and the minority experience, long-term renting. In these tenure-divided societies, it is surprising that so little attention has been paid to the... Read article

Gendered Ageism in Australia: Changing Perceptions of Age Discrimination among Older Men and Women
This paper investigates how age and gender interact to shape older jobseekers’ experiences of age discrimination within a mixed methods framework. The analysis reveals that there has been a considerable decline in national levels of perceived ageism generally among older... Read article

Sole-parent work schedules and adolescent wellbeing
Extensive evidence has shown that working nonstandard hours, such as evening or night shifts, impacts negatively on workers’ own health, and a growing literature suggests such impacts extend to the health of workers’ children. Using matched parent and child data... Read article

Assessing the Significance of Internal Migration in Drought Affected Areas
The Murray-Darling Basin is the heart of Australia’s agricultural industry, representing 14 per cent of all agricultural output and housing almost 40 per cent of Australia’s farmers. The area is also one of the biggest consumers of Australia’s scarce water... Read article

Youth Social Exclusion in Australian Communities
Social exclusion is a multi-dimensional measure of disadvantage that spans a number of aspects of an individual’s life that impact upon their current and future wellbeing. For young people at an important life stage transitioning from childhood to adulthood, contributing... Read article

Women in the Boardroom and Fraud: Evidence from Australia
We examine the relationship between women’s representation on corporate boards and fraud. Drawing on a discussion of existing studies, we hypothesise that increasing women’s representation on boards can help mitigate fraud. We provide validation to our conjecture through an empirical... Read article

Are there institutional differences in the earnings of Australian higher education graduates?
This paper examines the effect of university quality, as proxied by institutional groupings, on the earnings outcomes of Australian university qualified persons. It uses data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey to examine the impact... Read article

The Efficiency of Australian Schools: A Nationwide Analysis Using Gains in Test Scores of Students as Outputs
This study examines the efficiency of schools in Australia and its determinants using the gain in NAPLAN test scores of students in 6,774 schools in 2009–2011. The results show that, based on empirical input–output combinations, the growth of NAPLAN test... Read article

Housing Tax Reform: Is there a way forward?
Australian home owners and investors benefit from various tax concessions. Home owner tax concessions are poorly targeted with older, higher income households the main beneficiaries. There could also be efficiency consequences if the tax favoured owner-occupied housing sector attracts investment... Read article

Recognition: applications in aged care work
Detailed arguments about the importance of recognition were present in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments but received little attention in classical and neoclassical economics. However recognition is re-emerging as an important concept in social and economic research. In this... Read article

Revealed Preference Measures of Quality of Life in Australia’s Urban and Regional Areas
Using data from the 2011 Census, we estimate quality of life across Australia. With mobile households, utility will be equalised across regions, so those regions with high real incomes must have a compensating low quality of life and vice versa.... Read article

Remittances and happiness of migrants and their home households
This paper explores how remittances influence happiness among migrants and their households of origin. It is based on a novel data set of matched samples of Bangladeshi migrant households (living in the UK and Malaysia) and their origin families in... Read article

Work ability, age and intention to leave aged care work
Aim To describe the work ability of mature age women workers in Australia’s aged care sector, and to explore the relationship between ageing, work ability and intention to leave. Method Logistic regression techniques were applied to a sample of 2721... Read article

The labor market return to academic fraud
Academic fraud by undergraduate students is pervasive, but should it be taken seriously as an economic problem? Our research suggests so. Using a unique data set from the Caucasus, we estimate a large positive effect of academic fraud on the... Read article

Measuring Small Area Inequality Using Spatial Microsimulation
Measuring income inequality has long been of interest in applied social and economic research in the OECD countries including Australia. This includes measuring income inequality at the regional level. In this article, we have used spatial microsimulation techniques to calculate... Read article

Underemployment among mature age workers in Australia
Underemployment is a serious and pervasive problem both in terms of its impact on those individuals affected, and for the economy as a whole. Underemployment is associated with job insecurity, increased casualisation and lower savings, and from a macroeconomic standpoint,... Read article

A zero-inflated regression model for grouped data
We introduce the (panel) zero-inflated interval regression (ZIIR) model, which is ideally suited when data are in the form of groups, and there is an ‘excess’ of zero observations. We apply our new modelling framework to the analysis of visits... Read article

Housing older Australians: Loss of homeownership and pathways into housing assistance
In Australia and other ‘homeownership societies’ it has been conventional to think of housing pathways in terms of a smooth linear progression, leading to outright ownership in middle age and a retirement buffered by low housing costs. This vision of... Read article

Elephant poaching & ivory trafficking problems in Sub-Saharan Africa: An application of O’Hara’s principles of political economy
This paper examines the complex social problem of African elephant decimation using a political economy approach. This paper applies five principles of O’Hara’s political economy (POPE): historical specificity; circular and cumulative causation; uneven development; heterogeneous agents; and contradiction. POPE provides a practical tool... Read article

Care roles and employment decision-making
This article uses data from a panel of Australian mature-age women to examine the effects of care roles on workers’ intentions to leave their jobs. We focus on how the employment effects of care roles can be shaped by the... Read article

Constitutions and the political agency of women
The underrepresentation of women in parliaments worldwide warrants attention to discern underlying sources. This study examines one potential source: the countries’ constitutions. Based on a large cross-country dataset from 2011, the study demonstrates that women’s representation in parliament is larger... Read article

The Rotterdam demand model half a century on
The system-wide approach to demand analysis emphasises the interrelatedness of all n elements of the consumption basket and leads to a set of demand equations characterised by n income elasticities and an n × n matrix of own- and cross-price elasticities. This... Read article

Russian language skills and employment in the Former Soviet Union
During the Soviet era, proficiency in the Russian language was often a ticket to attractive employment opportunities in the member republics. Does it still contribute to securing employment in the former Soviet republics after two decades of transition? Using data... Read article

Gender in language and gender in employment
Women lag behind men in many domains. Feminist scholars have proposed that sex-based grammatical systems in languages reinforce traditional conceptions of gender roles, which in turn contribute to disadvantaging women. This article evaluates the empirical plausibility of this claim in... Read article

Mortgage equity withdrawal and institutional settings
In this exploratory paper, we investigate whether there are links between institutional context and the development of markets in home equity conversion that are based on financial instruments facilitating mortgage equity withdrawal (MEW). Using secondary data and literature sources from... Read article

The Impact of Children on Australian Couples’ Wealth Accumulation
Existing estimates of the cost of children focus on what parents spend on their children, which has limited relevance to parents’ financial capacity to meet those costs. An alternative indicator of the affordability of children, their impact upon couples’ wealth... Read article

Does school socio-economic status influence university outcomes?
This study explores the role of schools’ socioeconomic status in determining academic performance at university. Data for first year domestic undergraduates at an Australian university in 2011 to 2013 are linked to schools’ data to examine the role of student-... Read article

Does School Type Affect Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Development in Children?
This paper investigates the effects of primary school choices on cognitive and non-cognitive development in children using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). We militate against the measurement problems that are associated with individual unobserved heterogeneity by... Read article

Housing equity withdrawal in Australia: prevalence, patterns and motivations in mid-to-late life
In an era of population ageing, the primary home is increasingly viewed as a personal resource that can perform a pension role in retirement. This article assesses the extent to which Australians aged 45 years and over withdraw housing equity... Read article

Promoting low socio-economic participation in higher education
As with other countries, Australia has been grappling with the identification, measurement and impact of disadvantage in higher education. In particular, the measurement of socio-economic status (SES) has been of central concern. The immediate solution in Australia has been the... Read article

Asset poverty, precarious housing and ontological security in older age: an Australian case study
Over two-thirds of Australians are owner-occupiers and a majority of the population holds most of their wealth in housing. Australian taxation privileges homeowners and retirement income policy is built around the assumption that state pensions can be kept low because... Read article

Bridging the gap between housing stress and financial stress
In recent decades, housing affordability has been increasingly linked to household financial outcomes where high housing costs relative to income are perceived to negatively affect financial well-being. However, the traditional measure of housing affordability in Australia is housing stress, which... Read article

Revisiting the impact of consumption growth and inequality on poverty in Indonesia during decentralisation
This article analyses the consumption growth elasticity and inequality elasticity of poverty in Indonesia, with a particular focus on the decentralisation period. Using provincial panel data, we show that the effectiveness of growth in alleviating poverty across provinces was greater... Read article

A Wellbeing Approach to Mobility and its Application to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
This paper demonstrates that key models of human mobility across several disciplines can be considered as specific cases of a broader conceptualisation of mobility in terms of its contribution to wellbeing. It is argued that this wellbeing perspective offers important... Read article

Exploring recent increases in the gender wealth gap among Australia’s single households
Abstract This study uses three wealth modules from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey to explore the gender wealth gap for single Australian households between 2002 and 2010. The findings indicate a significant gender wealth gap, which... Read article

Women in cabinet and public health spending
This article studies the effect of women’s cabinet representation on public health policy outcomes. Based on a large sample of countries in the year 2000, the analysis shows that an increase in the share of women in cabinet is associated... Read article

The Gender Gap in Financial Security
This study investigates the gender wealth gap in Australia by examining differences in the net worth of households headed by single women and men, using data from the 2006 Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey. It demonstrates... Read article

Mixed-methods research
Empirical studies in economics traditionally use a limited range of methods, usually based on particular types of regression analysis. Increasingly, sophisticated regression techniques require the availability of appropriate data sets, often longitudinal and typically collected at a national level. This... Read article

Is Working from Home Good Work or Bad Work?
Abstract There is concern that workers are finding it increasingly difficult to balance work and family life and face growing time stress. Working from home is one form of flexibility in working arrangements that may assist workers to juggle work... Read article

Parents’ nonstandard work schedules and child well-being
There is concern that workers are finding it increasingly difficult to balance work and family life and face growing time stress. Working from home is one form of flexibility in working arrangements that may assist workers to juggle work and... Read article

The effect of unpaid caregiving intensity on labour force participation
It is well acknowledged that the intensity of caregiving affects the labour force participation of caregivers. The literature so far has not, however, been able to control effectively for the endogeneity of caregiving intensity. This paper contributes by dealing with... Read article

Immigration and Political Instability
Immigration may adversely affect political stability if immigrants are perceived unfavourably by host country populations. Using a large sample of countries this study confirms that a higher immigrant share of a population is associated with decrease in the level of... Read article

Dynamics of health insurance ownership in Vietnam
Vietnam is undertaking health financing reform in an attempt to achieve universal health insurance coverage by 2014. Changes in health insurance policies doubled coverage between 2004 and 2006, yet about one-fifth of the insured in 2004 dropped out of the... Read article

Development Priorities in an Emerging Decentralized Economy
Based on a data set of 217 communities in Armenia, this paper studies the choice of priority directions in local development programs in the years 2003–2005. The scope of programs is presented and discussed relative to good practices in local... Read article

Educational Attainment Across Generations
This paper analyses educational attainment among immigrant and native-born youth in Australia. We find that young Australians from non-English-speaking-background (NESB) immigrant families have an educational advantage over their English-speaking-background (ESB) immigrant and Australian-born peers. The educational advantages associated with immigrant... Read article

Quality, quantity, spending and prices
One measure of the change in the “quality” of consumption is the degree to which the consumption basket as a whole moves towards more luxurious goods, away from necessities. We introduce two related measures based on the luxury/necessity distinction. One... Read article

Monetary Transfers from Children and the Labour Supply of Elderly Parents
In the absence of a broad-based pension scheme, the elderly in developing countries may rely on monetary transfers made by their children and on their own labour supply. This article examines whether monetary transfers from children help to reduce elderly... Read article

Immigration and school choice in Australia
This article examines the relationship between the share of immigrants in a locality and private versus public school choices of natives and immigrants in Australia. Using the 2001 Australian Census data, it finds that private school attendance among native-born Australians... Read article

World food demand
Long-term projections of global food demand are heavily dependent on which functional form of the food demand equation is used. Given that real incomes can change substantially over the long-term, key elements are the dependence of the income elasticity on... Read article

Immigration, public education spending, and private schooling
This article examines the impact of immigration on private school enrolment through the mechanism of public education spending. It finds that the immigrant share of population raises private school enrolment across countries by leading to a decrease in the share... Read article