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Publication Type: Monthly Labour Market UpdateX
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – January 2021 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Full-time work grows, part-time work falls, but hours worked plummet?... Read article 26 February 2021Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – December 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Employment recovery continues: but will full-time work catch up?... Read article 29 January 2021Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – October 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Labour Market Recovery full speed ahead as Victoria opens... Read article 23 November 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – September 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Labour Market Recovering: a more positive outlook for Victoria... Read article 20 October 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – August 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. August’s rebound in the labour market surprised everyone, with... Read article 18 September 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – July 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery Pace of labour market recovery slowing In last month’s MLMU we saw that 211,000 of the 835,000 jobs lost between April and May were recovered in June, along with over a third of the hours lost. This month, in the... Read article 14 August 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – June 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. A labour market in recovery The latest labour market... Read article 17 July 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – May 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Over the worst of it? The initial shock of... Read article 26 June 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – April 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The unemployment shock The latest labour market figures look dire to say the least. Massive employment losses and thousands of people working fewer hours than they would like to. Headline figures show employment losses of 600,000 people, which takes Australia’s... Read article 18 May 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – March 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Key findings from March 2020 data include: Not much... Read article 16 April 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – February 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Key findings from February 2020 data include: BCEC Monthly Labour Market... Read article 28 March 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – January 2020 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery The BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update provides expert insights and analysis around the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data release, focusing on employment patterns across state and territories. Key findings from January 2020 data include: Reaching 150,000 jobs by... Read article 21 February 2020Monthly Labour Market Update Read More