Media Releases

Cost of living pressures easing in Perth, but not for all — Sydney the most expensive capital in Australia, Perth comes in fifth — — Single parents spending less on health and more on housing — — Wages in WA keeping pace with cost of living — The average West Australian... Read article 1 December 2017Media Releases Read More
Over half of WA’s skilled migrants are working in lesser jobs: survey — Mental health and wellbeing impacted by under-employment of skilled migrants — — Changes recommended to help new migrants settle in Australia — More than half of surveyed skilled migrants are working in lower-skilled jobs in Western Australia than before... Read article 21 November 2017Media Releases Read More
Tackling ‘NIMBY’ fears key to WA’s innovative housing future — Infill housing development is on the rise, but still below target — — Numerous examples of good design and sustainability practice exist across Perth — Addressing the ‘Not In My Back Yard’ concerns of neighbours early in the development... Read article 20 October 2017Media Releases Read More
Substantial growth in Airbnb supply and demand in WA: new report — Airbnb hotspots in riverside and seaside Perth suburbs and South-West region — — Tourism stakeholders see opportunity and potential threat in Airbnb phenomenon — The number of West Australians listing accommodation on Airbnb has increased by more than 50... Read article 6 October 2017Media Releases Read More
Benefits of footy go beyond physical health: new research — Indigenous adult AFL players are twice as likely to rate their health as excellent — — Socio-economic status not a factor for children playing AFL — — Number of women’s football teams has doubled since AFL Women’s League introduced... Read article 14 September 2017Media Releases Read More
Single parents hit hard by energy costs, a quarter in energy poverty — 7.1% of WA’s total electricity consumption sourced from renewables — — 1 in 4 suitable houses in WA have roof-top solar — — Landlords needs incentives to kick-start next phase of solar revolution — Families who earn the least... Read article 25 August 2017Media Releases Read More
Big divide between haves and have-nots in Australian education — Most disadvantaged children half as likely to be attending pre-school — — Indigenous students still under-represented in Australian universities — — School funding well-targeted to need — The most disadvantaged 10 per cent of children in the Australian Capital... Read article 28 June 2017Media Releases Read More
Payment delays impacting on vitality of WA small businesses — Small business second largest contributor to WA economy at $40bn — — Fewer than one in ten small businesses in WA export to international markets — The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s (BCEC) new Small Business Survey 2017 reveals that... Read article 25 May 2017Media Releases Read More
Housing supply not matching population growth in some capital cities New research from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) and the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), reveals that increases in housing stock in Sydney and Perth have failed to match population growth in these capitals. Housing supply responsiveness... Read article 18 May 2017Media Releases Read More
Job itself not pay the key to happiness at work — Job satisfaction highest for older workers — — Tasmanians more likely to report higher job satisfaction — — Small businesses happier than big — New research conducted by Curtin University, in collaboration with Making Work Absolutely Human (mwah.), reveals... Read article 5 April 2017Media Releases Read More
Gender balance in leadership drives reduced gender pay gaps Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), in collaboration with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) today released a report revealing top tier female managers in Australian organisations earn on average $93,000, or 26.5 per cent, less per year compared to their... Read article 2 March 2017Media Releases Read More
Huge gap still exists between the rich and poor post-WA resources boom Despite the tailing off of the resources boom, there is still a huge gap between the rich and poor in Western Australia, according to findings in a new Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) report. Back to the Future is the... Read article 20 October 2016Media Releases Read More
WA agriculture to reap benefits from rising food demand in Asia Western Australia’s beef export industry into Asia could grow to $1 billion by 2030 and beyond, according a new report by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC). From Paddock to Plate: WA’s potential in agriculture and agribusiness is the first... Read article 23 September 2016Media Releases Read More
Indigenous wellbeing best measured from the ground up The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre in collaboration with The Australian National University (ANU) Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, the Kimberley Institute and the Yawuru community, today released a report that demonstrates the importance of measuring Indigenous wellbeing from the... Read article 12 August 2016Media Releases Read More
Increasing women on Boards linked to lower incidence of company fraud New research from the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) demonstrates that increasing women’s representation on corporate boards can lower the incidence of company fraud. Dr Astghik Mavisakalyan, Senior Research Fellow at BCEC, conducted the comprehensive study of 128 publicly listed... Read article 21 July 2016Media Releases Read More
Low income families fail to benefit from low-carbon dividends A new report released by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) has shown that low income households in Western Australia (WA) are spending around 12 per cent of their income on utility bills and fuel each week, compared with 2.9... Read article 17 June 2016Media Releases Read More
Housing stress in WA persists despite market softening Housing affordability has improved for Western Australian households, however many still remain vulnerable to housing stress and pressures, according to a new report by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC). Keeping a Roof Over our Heads is the second housing... Read article 6 June 2016Media Releases Read More
Housing supply in Australia not living up to market demand Australia’s housing stock is not meeting the demands of current and future markets, according to findings in a new Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre report. Keeping a Roof Over our Heads: BCEC Housing Affordability Report 2016 is the Centre’s second Housing... Read article 6 June 2016Media Releases Read More
Research highlights benefits of employing people on the Autism spectrum New research released by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) has found employing adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) benefits employees, employers and their organisations without incurring additional costs. The research is the first of its kind in Australia to... Read article 28 April 2016Media Releases Read More
China – an important market for Western Australia’s wine industry future A new report released by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) at Curtin University outlines major considerations for wine producers when exporting Western Australian wines to China. The report, titled WA Wine Exports: Building an economic future with China, was... Read article 5 April 2016Media Releases Read More
New businesses face growing barriers to innovation investment A report released today by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) has found new Australian businesses face growing barriers in accessing early stage venture capital investment. The new report, Positioned for an ideas boom? Productivity and innovation in Australia, examines... Read article 23 March 2016Media Releases Read More
Government debt in Australia unlikely to reduce in the next five years A report released today by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) found that government debt in Australia is unlikely to reduce in the next five years because of unrealistic estimates of output and revenue growth. Beyond the Bottom Line: Government... Read article 25 November 2015Media Releases Read More
Report finds older Western Australians happier, healthier A report released today by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), that addresses critical issues of population ageing in Western Australia, has found distinct differences between older people in Western Australia and the rest of Australia. Findings showed that on... Read article 18 November 2015Media Releases Read More
China: not the “be all and end all” for WA trade A report released today (Wednesday 16 September) by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) has emphasised the need to diversify Western Australia’s exports and widen our trading partnerships beyond China to maximise growth opportunities and strengthen WA’s economy. The Tiger,... Read article 16 September 2015Media Releases Read More