Media & Commentary

Media Items

Cost of living pressures easing in Perth, but not for all — Sydney the most expensive capital in Australia, Perth comes in fifth — — Single parents spending less on health and more on housing — — Wages in WA keeping pace with cost of living — The average West Australian... Read article 1 December 2017Media Releases Read More
Sydney the most expensive capital in Australia, Perth comes in fifth: new report People have been spending more in New South Wales in recent years, followed by Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia, according to a new report. And while real household spending has climbed by 14% in NSW between 2009-10 and... Read article 1 December 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
Over half of WA’s skilled migrants are working in lesser jobs: survey — Mental health and wellbeing impacted by under-employment of skilled migrants — — Changes recommended to help new migrants settle in Australia — More than half of surveyed skilled migrants are working in lower-skilled jobs in Western Australia than before... Read article 21 November 2017Media Releases Read More
It’s too soon to celebrate a narrowing gender wage gap Rebecca Cassells, Curtin University The gender pay gap is trending downward. It has fallen from 24.7% to 22.4% in the past four years, in terms of total remuneration, according to the latest gender equality scorecard. But it’s not time to... Read article 17 November 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
Tackling ‘NIMBY’ fears key to WA’s innovative housing future — Infill housing development is on the rise, but still below target — — Numerous examples of good design and sustainability practice exist across Perth — Addressing the ‘Not In My Back Yard’ concerns of neighbours early in the development... Read article 20 October 2017Media Releases Read More
Substantial growth in Airbnb supply and demand in WA: new report — Airbnb hotspots in riverside and seaside Perth suburbs and South-West region — — Tourism stakeholders see opportunity and potential threat in Airbnb phenomenon — The number of West Australians listing accommodation on Airbnb has increased by more than 50... Read article 6 October 2017Media Releases Read More
Benefits of footy go beyond physical health: new research — Indigenous adult AFL players are twice as likely to rate their health as excellent — — Socio-economic status not a factor for children playing AFL — — Number of women’s football teams has doubled since AFL Women’s League introduced... Read article 14 September 2017Media Releases Read More
We can use AFL to boost school attendance and improve mental health in Indigenous communities Michael Dockery, Curtin University Indigenous boys living in remote Australian communities have a 20% lower truancy rate if they play AFL. This is one of the findings from our latest study exploring the benefits of Indigenous people’s participation in Australian... Read article 14 September 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
How governments have widened the gap between generations in home ownership Various government policies have fuelled the demand for housing over time, expanding the wealth of older home owners and pushing it further and further beyond the reach of young would-be home buyers. A new study highlights this divide between millennials... Read article 29 August 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
Single parents hit hard by energy costs, a quarter in energy poverty — 7.1% of WA’s total electricity consumption sourced from renewables — — 1 in 4 suitable houses in WA have roof-top solar — — Landlords needs incentives to kick-start next phase of solar revolution — Families who earn the least... Read article 25 August 2017Media Releases Read More
WA bathes in sunshine but the poorest households lack solar panels – that needs to change Rebecca Cassells, Curtin University; Alan Duncan, Curtin University, and Yashar Tarverdi, Curtin University Many Western Australian householders are living in “energy poverty”, according to our new Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre research report, Power to the People: WA’s Energy Future. Although... Read article 25 August 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
Big divide between haves and have-nots in Australian education — Most disadvantaged children half as likely to be attending pre-school — — Indigenous students still under-represented in Australian universities — — School funding well-targeted to need — The most disadvantaged 10 per cent of children in the Australian Capital... Read article 28 June 2017Media Releases Read More