Media & Commentary

Media Items

Not everyone wins from the bank of mum and dad The “bank of mum and dad” is helping young Australians with more than just their housing aspirations. New analysis of data on children receiving an inheritance or cash payment from their parents has found they are more likely to be... Read article 15 March 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
FactCheck: does Western Australia have the highest unemployment in the country? Rebecca Cassells, Curtin University It is true the Liberals and Nationals have … created the highest unemployment in the country in Western Australia, higher than Tasmania, higher than South Australia… – West Australian Labor leader Mark McGowan, interviewed on Radio... Read article 9 March 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
Politics podcast: WA election – Mark McGowan accuses Turnbull of bluffing Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra The end of the mining boom has hit many people in Western Australia hard, and this has flowed strongly into the election. Debt and deficit are besetting the state budget. In this final podcast from... Read article 8 March 2017News & Public Commentary Read More
Gender balance in leadership drives reduced gender pay gaps Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), in collaboration with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) today released a report revealing top tier female managers in Australian organisations earn on average $93,000, or 26.5 per cent, less per year compared to their... Read article 2 March 2017Media Releases Read More
FactCheck: Has the job market got so bad that ‘people have stopped looking for work’? Rebecca Cassells, Curtin University No wonder, when you have a participation rate that’s in free fall. Last month there was a fall by 0.2%, another 0.2%, it is now at 64.5%. What that indicates is that people have stopped looking... Read article 28 October 2016News & Public Commentary Read More
Huge gap still exists between the rich and poor post-WA resources boom Despite the tailing off of the resources boom, there is still a huge gap between the rich and poor in Western Australia, according to findings in a new Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) report. Back to the Future is the... Read article 20 October 2016Media Releases Read More
Western Australia’s economic future remains uncertain after the mining boom: study The mining industry will still be important to WA’s economy in the future and new growth is unlikely to come from other industries like tourism and agriculture, new research has found. A growing, and ageing, population is likely to drive... Read article 20 October 2016News & Public Commentary Read More
Can the private rental sector provide a secure, affordable housing solution? Despite a relatively healthy supply-side picture for the general housing market, the expected trickle down of housing opportunities to low-income households in Australia has failed to materialise. The UK Department for Communities and Local Government boasted this year of a... Read article 19 October 2016News & Public Commentary Read More
WA agriculture to reap benefits from rising food demand in Asia Western Australia’s beef export industry into Asia could grow to $1 billion by 2030 and beyond, according a new report by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC). From Paddock to Plate: WA’s potential in agriculture and agribusiness is the first... Read article 23 September 2016Media Releases Read More
Will the real gender pay gap please stand up? Whenever the gender pay gap is mentioned there are always those who argue it doesn’t exist, either because of differences in the way men and women work, choices women make or legislation prohibiting it. Whatever the reason, this confused rhetoric... Read article 8 September 2016News & Public Commentary Read More
Indigenous wellbeing best measured from the ground up The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre in collaboration with The Australian National University (ANU) Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, the Kimberley Institute and the Yawuru community, today released a report that demonstrates the importance of measuring Indigenous wellbeing from the... Read article 12 August 2016Media Releases Read More
Let’s talk about the family home…and its exemption from the pension means test Late last year a Productivity Commission report found including the family home in the means test for the age pension could deliver the government A$6 billion in much-needed revenue. Despite this, in the lead-up to the federal election, both major... Read article 25 July 2016News & Public Commentary Read More