Mortgage equity withdrawal and institutional settings
In this exploratory paper, we investigate whether there are links between institutional context and the development of markets in home equity conversion that are based on financial instruments facilitating mortgage equity withdrawal (MEW). Using secondary data and literature sources from... Read article
Australian demographic trends and their implications for housing subsidies
This Positioning Paper, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), is the first output of a project that aims to forecast future housing subsidies that will accompany projected demographic changes and the challenges these trends may pose... Read article
The Impact of Children on Australian Couples’ Wealth Accumulation
Existing estimates of the cost of children focus on what parents spend on their children, which has limited relevance to parents’ financial capacity to meet those costs. An alternative indicator of the affordability of children, their impact upon couples’ wealth... Read article
When Two Worlds Collude
Whether or not working from home or ‘telecommuting’ helps workers to balance work and family commitments, as opposed to providing an avenue for work to intrude on family life remains a contentious issue. On balance it seems the flexibility to... Read article
Does school socio-economic status influence university outcomes?
This study explores the role of schools’ socioeconomic status in determining academic performance at university. Data for first year domestic undergraduates at an Australian university in 2011 to 2013 are linked to schools’ data to examine the role of student-... Read article
Does School Type Affect Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Development in Children?
This paper investigates the effects of primary school choices on cognitive and non-cognitive development in children using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). We militate against the measurement problems that are associated with individual unobserved heterogeneity by... Read article
Housing equity withdrawal in Australia: prevalence, patterns and motivations in mid-to-late life
In an era of population ageing, the primary home is increasingly viewed as a personal resource that can perform a pension role in retirement. This article assesses the extent to which Australians aged 45 years and over withdraw housing equity... Read article
Exchange rate fluctuations and immigrants’ labour market outcomes
In this paper, we exploit exogenous changes in exchange rates across home countries over time and panel data to identify the casual impact of exchange rate fluctuations on Australian immigrants’ labour market outcomes. We present new and robust evidence that,... Read article
Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Home Countries and Immigrants’ Wellbeing
In this paper we provide the first solid empirical evidence that improvements in home countries’ macroeconomic conditions, as measured by a higher GDP per capita and lower price levels, increase immigrants’ subjective well-being. We demonstrate this using 12 years of... Read article
Promoting low socio-economic participation in higher education
As with other countries, Australia has been grappling with the identification, measurement and impact of disadvantage in higher education. In particular, the measurement of socio-economic status (SES) has been of central concern. The immediate solution in Australia has been the... Read article
Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Home Countries and Immigrant’s Well-being
Abstract In this paper we provide the first solid empirical evidence that improvements in home countries’ macroeconomic conditions, as measured by a higher GDP per capita and lower price levels, increase immigrants’ subjective well-being. We demonstrate this using 12 years... Read article
Pharmaceutical Drug Misuse, Industry of Employment and Occupation
Abstract We contribute to the existing literature on drug consumption by analysing the misuse of pharmaceutical drugs, which has attracted scant attention in the economics literature. Specifically, using individual level data, we explore the determinants of pharmaceutical drug misuse and... Read article