
Can measures of broadband infrastructure improve predictions of economic growth? Walter J. Mayer, Gary Madden, Xin Dang This paper investigates whether predictions of future economic growth can be improved by using standard measures of broadband infrastructure. The investigation is carried out by comparing the predictive accuracy of dynamic panel models of economic growth estimated with and without... Read article 30 November 2014Conference Papers Read More
Housing affordability dynamics: new insights from the last decade Gavin Wood, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Melek Cigdem This report, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), explores the duration of housing affordability stress (HAS) in Australia. It tracks the housing affordability trajectories of Australians over the period 2001–11. The dataset employed in this project... Read article 30 November 2014Research Reports Read More
Housing Equity Withdrawal in mid-to-late life: Patterns and Motivations amongst Australian Homeowners Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood, Therese Jefferson, Marietta Haffner Abstract In an era of population ageing, the primary home is increasingly viewed as a personal resource that can perform a pension role in retirement. This paper assesses the extent to which Australians aged over 45 utilise housing equity withdrawal... Read article 25 November 2014Working Papers Read More
Falling Through the Cracks Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan The concept of disadvantage is one that invokes a number of connotations, including poverty, exclusion and deprivation. Generally disadvantage relates to a lack of resources and opportunity to achieve a basic standard of living. A number of Australian studies have... Read article 31 October 2014Focus on The States Read More
Exploring recent increases in the gender wealth gap among Australia’s single households Rachel Ong ViforJ, Sherry Bawa, Therese Jefferson Abstract This study uses three wealth modules from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey to explore the gender wealth gap for single Australian households between 2002 and 2010. The findings indicate a significant gender wealth gap, which... Read article 17 October 2014Journal Articles Read More
Workforce and Skills Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan, Kenneth Leong, Astghik Mavisakalyan The resources industry has been the driving force behind Western Australia’s remarkable economic trajectory over the last two decades, delivering billions of tonnes of iron ore to steel mills around the world. WA has prospered, wages have soared and unemployment... Read article 31 August 2014Focus on WA Read More
Wellbeing outcomes of lower income renters Sharon Parkinson, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Melek Cigdem, Elizabeth Taylor Executive Summary A critical assumption of area-based policies aiming to foster greater ‘social mix’ of communities is that the adverse consequences associated with concentrations of social disadvantage will be reduced. The main vehicle to facilitate contemporary policies of social mix... Read article 31 August 2014Research Reports Read More
Women in cabinet and public health spending Astghik Mavisakalyan This article studies the effect of women’s cabinet representation on public health policy outcomes. Based on a large sample of countries in the year 2000, the analysis shows that an increase in the share of women in cabinet is associated... Read article 1 August 2014Journal Articles Read More
A Multi-Market Approach to Measuring the Cycle At any given moment there are numerous indicators of the state of an economy or sector. Frequently, these signals are divergent, for example, some may point to an expansion, while others to a contraction. We consider how best to combine... Read article 30 June 2014Working Papers Read More
Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: Economic Evaluation Final Report Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Marcia Keegan The purpose of the economic evaluation is to provide evidence of the cost-effectiveness of both the overall and individually funded aspects of KTS and to inform ongoing budgetary directions for child protection and wellbeing policy in NSW. A cost-effectiveness framework... Read article 1 June 2014Research Reports Read More
Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: KTS Indicators Final Report Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Christine Eastman, Ilan Katz, Marcia Keegan, Astghik Mavisakalyan, Aron Shlonsky, Ciara Smyth, Kylie Valentine The NSW government has made a substantial investment towards protecting children from harm through its $800m KTS child protection initiative. KTS is arguably the most significant change to child protection policy in NSW since the introduction of mandatory reporting in... Read article 1 June 2014Research Reports Read More
Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: Spatial Analysis Final Report Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Grace Gao, Marcia Keegan The NSW government has made a substantial investment towards protecting children from harm through its $800m KTS child protection initiative. KTS is arguably the most significant change to child protection policy in NSW since the introduction of mandatory reporting in... Read article 1 June 2014Research Reports Read More