The use of home equity to fund the consumption needs of retirees
This paper identifies the broad issues associated with the use of home equity to fund the consumption needs of retirees by reviewing the relevant international literature. The specific literature that examines the role of home equity in the retirement income... Read article
The influence of gender on pathways into the labor market
Chapter 4: Developments in the education system and the labor market along with legislative changes over the last decades have given rise to expectations of decreasing gender inequality. First, women’s increased educational attainment, relative to that of men, is expected... Read article
Is headspace making a difference to young people’s lives?
headspace aims to improve the mental health and social and emotional wellbeing of young people in Australia through the provision of evidence-based, integrated, youth-centred and holistic services. In January 2013, the Australian Government Department of Health (DoH) commissioned a consortium... Read article
Factors shaping the dynamics of housing affordability in Australia 2001-11
The research documented in this report to the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) offers key insights into the duration of exposures to unaffordable housing. It also identifies the socio-demographic characteristics of those low-income Australians who find it more difficult... Read article
Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright?
There is a general sense of unease with the recent slowdown in China’s economic growth. Large businesses and the State’s finances have suffered as a result. But is China the ‘be all and end all’ of the focus on Western... Read article
Constitutions and the political agency of women
The underrepresentation of women in parliaments worldwide warrants attention to discern underlying sources. This study examines one potential source: the countries’ constitutions. Based on a large cross-country dataset from 2011, the study demonstrates that women’s representation in parliament is larger... Read article
Economic Evaluation: Objective, approach, challenges and solutions
Keep them Safe (KTS) is the NSW whole-of-government response to the recommendations of the Wood Special Commission. NSW has spent nearly $800m over five years to reform the child protection and early intervention systems, with over 50 different projects being... Read article
The Rotterdam demand model half a century on
The system-wide approach to demand analysis emphasises the interrelatedness of all n elements of the consumption basket and leads to a set of demand equations characterised by n income elasticities and an n × n matrix of own- and cross-price elasticities. This... Read article
Russian language skills and employment in the Former Soviet Union
During the Soviet era, proficiency in the Russian language was often a ticket to attractive employment opportunities in the member republics. Does it still contribute to securing employment in the former Soviet republics after two decades of transition? Using data... Read article
The Costs of Doing Business in WA
The cost of doing business in Western Australia has long been a rhetoric heard and discussed throughout the state, with increased economic activity in recent times exacerbating the issue. The geography of the state, with its capital – Perth, one... Read article
Beyond our Means?
The ability of both households and governments to increase savings and manage debt has been an ongoing policy issue in Australia and throughout the world. Debt can be a good thing if it encourages real asset growth beyond that of... Read article
Gender in language and gender in employment
Women lag behind men in many domains. Feminist scholars have proposed that sex-based grammatical systems in languages reinforce traditional conceptions of gender roles, which in turn contribute to disadvantaging women. This article evaluates the empirical plausibility of this claim in... Read article