Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: KTS Indicators Final Report
The NSW government has made a substantial investment towards protecting children from harm through its $800m KTS child protection initiative. KTS is arguably the most significant change to child protection policy in NSW since the introduction of mandatory reporting in 1987.
This report provides a final analysis of a range of indicators of wellbeing of children and young people in New South Wales, in particular vulnerable children targeted by the KTS reforms. It is a companion report to the Final Report of the Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation.
One of the key aims of the evaluation is to examine the progress of the outcome indicators and whether or not targets have been met or positive changes have been achieved. Specifically, we examine the path to achieve the target and its variations at different time points and throughout different regions of NSW. Therefore, the first step is to compare the initial condition (ideally before substantial KTS investment) with a target or threshold line going forward.
Data for this report has been drawn from departmental administrative data holdings, the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI), the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.