Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: Spatial Analysis Final Report
The NSW government has made a substantial investment towards protecting children from harm through its $800m KTS child protection initiative. KTS is arguably the most significant change to child protection policy in NSW since the introduction of mandatory reporting in 1987.
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the spatial distribution and patterns of KTS funding and key KTS Indicators across NSW Local Government Areas. The findings within this report provide invaluable insight into geographical differences in child wellbeing, allowing identification of areas that have observed relative success in child outcomes; those that have deteriorated and areas that have experienced little change. The report also serves as a companion to the KTS Indicators Report and Economic Analysis Report.
This analysis has identified specific areas in which KTS is not yet having an impact, possibly due to a lag in the impact of the intervention or due to the highly complex family problems that exist in these areas. It has also identified areas where improvements can be seen, and those were results are mixed. Further monitoring and assessment in these areas is crucial to ensure that programs are suited to the area and can be tailored so that the program is suitable for the specific needs of the area. This report enables the identification of areas for policy targeting where multiple disadvantage, entrenched or worsening child protection outcomes are evident.