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Author: Daniel KielyX
Who adopts the Airbnb innovation? Michael Volgger, Christof Pforr, Ross Taplin Airbnb is the most prominent example of novel peer-to-peer networks in tourism. This new form of accommodation provision may alter demand structures in tourism destinations and has led to uncertainty amongst established accommodation providers and destination marketers. To gain a... Read article 1 September 2018Journal Articles Read More
Falling Through the Net Steven Bond-Smith, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Silvia Salazar New data technologies, big data analytics and intelligent software systems are transforming the way we produce, consume or distribute commodities, and increasingly, the way we access services. They are also changing the way in which we engage with our personal, social and business... Read article 2 August 2018Focus on WA Read More
BCEC Quarterly Economic Commentary – July 2018 Alan Duncan, Rebecca Cassells, Daniel Kiely This Western Australia Quarterly Economic Commentary analyses the most recent data on economic and social indicators for WA, as at the end of Q2 2018. This quarter we explore the modest growth in household consumption, the impact WA’s weaker labour market is having... Read article 1 August 2018Quarterly Economic Commentary Read More
BCEC Quarterly Economic Commentary – March 2018 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely This Western Australia Quarterly Economic Commentary analyses the most recent data on economic and social indicators for WA, as at the end of Q1 2018. This quarter we have re-highlighted the importance of mining and China for the WA economy, and include a... Read article 10 April 2018Quarterly Economic Commentary Read More
BCEC Quarterly Economic Commentary – December 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely This is the first of Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Western Australia Quarterly Economic Commentary analysing the most recent data on economic and social indicators for WA. Key findings from this edition include: Mixed signals in 2017 make ‘cautious optimism’ the New... Read article 18 December 2017Economic Commentary  |  Quarterly Economic Commentary Read More
The Impact of Airbnb on WA’s Tourism Industry Christof Pforr, Michael Volgger, Kylie Coulson This BCEC Feature report looks at the rapid growth of the sharing economy, including Airbnb, in recent years and how it has challenged traditional economies in many countries around the globe. With more than 1.5 million listings in more than 190... Read article 6 October 2017Feature Read More
Scenarios for Western Australia’s International Education Sector Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Kenneth Leong, Richard Seymour International education is a key sector for the Australian and Western Australian economies. It is now the country’s principal services export and our third largest export industry overall. It has been identified in many government and other studies as an... Read article 2 October 2017Research Reports Read More
The Engine Room for Growth? Steven Bond-Smith, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Kenneth Leong, Ha Nguyen, Rachel Ong ViforJ The 2015 Federal Budget referred to small businesses as the ‘engine room’ of the economy. Australia’s changing economic landscape means that governments are placing greater emphasis on the important role of small businesses for growth and employment. This is not... Read article 26 May 2017Focus on WA Read More
Western Australia’s International Education Sector: Performance and Prospects Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Kenneth Leong, John Phillimore, Richard Seymour Australia has been a leader in international education for many years, and it is now the country’s principal services export and our third largest export industry overall. It has been identified in any government and other studies as an industry... Read article 18 November 2016Feature Read More
From Paddock to Plate: WA’s potential in agriculture and agribusiness Steven Bond-Smith, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Kenneth Leong, Ha Nguyen There has been a collective nervousness following the decline in the resources sector in Western Australia and its associated grim headlines. Agriculture has historically been an important industry for the state. With an expanding middle class in China and a rising population in... Read article 23 September 2016BCEC Reports  |  Focus on Industry Read More
Positioned for an Ideas Boom? Steven Bond-Smith, Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Yashar Tarverdi Positioned for an Ideas Boom is the fourth report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Focus on the States series. The report examines an issue of central importance to maintaining economic growth, improving competitiveness and creating jobs – productivity and... Read article 22 March 2016Focus on The States Read More