Media & Commentary
Media Items
Housing affordability divide grows between owner-occupiers and renters
— WA third among states for annual growth in price of established homes — — 100,000 WA renters at risk of major financial impact from rent rises — — First home buyers big winners from government assistance — Housing affordability... Read article

Over a quarter of a century until gender pay gap likely to close
— Consistency is the key to implementing gender equality policies and practices — — Mining sector the big improver in gender equality practices — — Regular pay gap audits lead to faster closing of managerial pay gaps — A new... Read article

Royal Commission into Age Care Quality and Safety Submission on the Impact of COVID-19
This submission was prepared for the Royal Commission into Age Care Quality and Safety and drew from the findings from the Centre’s ‘To Health and Happiness: WA’s Health Industry Future‘ report, along with analysis from a range of data sources.... Read article

Late payments drive stress for WA small business owners during COVID-19
— Greater infrastructure support needed to boost regional small businesses — — Small businesses had high hopes for a strong 2021 economy — Almost a quarter of Western Australian small businesses are impacted by late payments of 30 days or... Read article

Report finds creating a more sustainable WA would boost jobs and economy
— Greener industries to deliver 55,000 jobs to WA workers — — Sustainable measures could save WA households $681 per year — Creating a more sustainable or ‘green’ state would deliver 55,000 jobs, 49,000 of which would be in regional... Read article

Senate Inquiry Submission: Higher Education Support Amendment (Job-Ready Graduates and Supporting Regional and Remote Students)
This submission was prepared as a response to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee inquiry into the Higher Education Support Amendment. The Centre drew from detailed analysis it had carried out on the impact of the proposed changes to... Read article

Inequality drives deep divide between Australian children
— More than one third of disadvantaged children not attending preschool — — One in five WA children under five living in poverty — Children living in the most disadvantaged communities across Australia are far less likely to attend the... Read article

More women at the top proves better for business
— Profitability, performance and productivity increase under female leadership — — Female top-tier managers add 6.6 per cent to market value of ASX companies — — Female leadership will help businesses thrive in a post-COVID world — As Australia moves... Read article

New report finds more work needed to close Indigenous retirement gap
Streamlining the process for Indigenous Australians facing hardship to access their superannuation early and with fewer penalties may help to improve their retirement outcomes, a new report has found. The report, released today by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC)... Read article

Retirement Incomes and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: Submission to the Treasury Retirement Incomes Review
The purpose of this submission is to impress upon the Secretariat and Treasury researchers conducting the review of Australia’s retirement income system of the need to include a focus on the adequacy of retirement incomes for Indigenous Australians and to... Read article

Jobkeeper payment: how will it work, who will miss out and how to get it?
Rebecca Cassells, Curtin University and Alan Duncan, Curtin University The A$130 billion $1,500-per-fortnight JobKeeper payment will benefit six million Australians for six months, with payments expected from May 1. Eligible businesses include not-for-profits and businesses with turnovers of less than... Read article

The urgent need to embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture
This article first appeared in The Border Mail. Successive Australian governments have grappled with “Closing the Gap” on Indigenous disadvantage. Like many First Nations peoples, Indigenous Australians face poorer psychological well-being, physical health and socioeconomic outcomes than their non-Indigenous counterparts.... Read article