
Immigration and Political Instability Tesfaye A. Gebremedhin, Astghik Mavisakalyan Immigration may adversely affect political stability if immigrants are perceived unfavourably by host country populations. Using a large sample of countries this study confirms that a higher immigrant share of a population is associated with decrease in the level of... Read article 12 July 2013Journal Articles Read More
Brain Drain or Brawn Drain? Studies on the determinants of migration provide evidence that distance has a strong negative effect. That is, the farther the region is, the lower the probability that people would like to migrate to. However, Western Australia, whose capital city is... Read article 1 July 2013Working Papers Read More
Modelling Illegal Drug Participation in Australia Sarah Brown, Mark Harris, Preety Srivastava Abstract We contribute to the small, but important, literature exploring the incidence and implications of mis-reporting in survey data. Specifically, when modelling “social bads”, such as illegal drug consumption, researchers are often faced with exceptionally low reported participation rates. We propose a... Read article 1 July 2013Working Papers Read More
Trends in the Gender Wealth Gap Among Single Households in Australia 2002-2010 Rachel Ong ViforJ, Sherry Bawa, Therese Jefferson Abstract This study uses three wealth modules from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey to explore the gender wealth gap for single Australian households between 2002 and 2010. The findings indicate significant gender wealth gaps, which have increased over the... Read article 1 July 2013Working Papers Read More
Vietnam-Australia Economic Relations Alan Duncan, Kenneth Leong 2013 marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Australia and Vietnam.  Through the Whitlam government in February 1973 Australia became one of the first Western nations to establish formal bilateral ties with the then Democratic Republic of Vietnam.  Over... Read article 1 July 2013Briefing Notes Read More
The Influence of Psychological Well-Being, Ill-Health and Health Shocks on Single Parents’ Labour Supply Alan Duncan, Anthony Harris, Mark Harris, Eugenio Zucchelli This paper proposes a discrete-choice behavioural model of labour supply to examine the role of ill-health on single parents’ employment. The model provides estimates of individual preferences over a given set of labour market states and allows these preferences to be influenced by... Read article 1 July 2013Working Papers Read More
Advantages of Non-Normality in Testing Cointegration Rank Felix Chan Abstract Since the seminal work of Engle and Granger (1987) and Johansen (1988), testing for cointegration has become standard practice in analysing economic and financial time series data. Many of the techniques in cointegration analysis require the assumption of normality, which may... Read article 1 July 2013Working Papers Read More
Econometric Modelling of Social Bads William Greene, Mark Harris, Preety Srivastava, Xueyan Zhao Abstract When modeling “social bads”, such as illegal drug consumption, researchers are often faced with a dependent variable characterised by an “excessive” amount of zero observations. Building on the recent literature on hurdle and double-hurdle models, we propose a double-inflated modeling framework, where the... Read article 1 July 2013Working Papers Read More
Wellbeing outcomes of lower income renters: a multi-level analysis of area effects Sharon Parkinson, Melek Cigdem, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Elizabeth Taylor Whether it is better to be ‘poor’ in a ‘poor area’ or one that is more socially diverse has been a central concern for research attempting to establish the neighbourhood effects associated with concentrations of disadvantage and for policies aiming... Read article 30 June 2013Research Reports Read More
Dynamics of health insurance ownership in Vietnam Ha Nguyen, Suiwah Leung Vietnam is undertaking health financing reform in an attempt to achieve universal health insurance coverage by 2014. Changes in health insurance policies doubled coverage between 2004 and 2006, yet about one-fifth of the insured in 2004 dropped out of the... Read article 6 June 2013Journal Articles Read More
Underemployment among mature age workers in Australia Jinjing Li, Alan Duncan, Riyana Miranti Underemployment is a serious and pervasive problem both in terms of its impact on those individuals affected, and for the economy as a whole. International research has found that those who experience periods of underemployment are more likely to have... Read article 31 May 2013Working Papers Read More
The Impact of Children on Australian Couples’ Wealth Accumulation Michael Dockery, Sherry Bawa Abstract Existing estimates of the cost of raising children mainly focus on what parents spend on their children. This paper challenges the conceptual basis for this approach, and instead investigates how the presence of children impacts upon couples’ wealth accumulation using the life-cycle... Read article 31 May 2013Working Papers Read More