
Elder Care and the Employment Intentions of Mature Age Women Rachel Ong ViforJ, Therese Jefferson, Rhonda Sharp, Gill Lewin Introduction This paper addresses the employment impacts of eldercare, which we define as the informal, uncompensated care provided to elderly people. This unpaid work is a vital component of the ‘care economy’ that utilises time, emotional and other resources of... Read article 1 December 2013Working Papers Read More
Illegal Drug Consumption and Mis-Reporting Mark Harris, Preety Srivastava, Sarah Brown We explore the misuse of pharmaceutical drugs in the Australian workforce, focusing on whether any differences exist between workers in particular industries or occupations. In terms of industry, being employed in hospitality is positively associated with pharmaceutical drug misuse, while... Read article 1 December 2013Briefing Notes Read More
Estimating the Standard Errors of Individual-Specific Parameters in Random Parameters Models William Greene, Mark Harris, Christopher Spencer Abstract We consider the estimation of the standard errors of individual‐specific parameters calculated ex post from a non‐linear random parameters model. Our key contribution lies in introducing a simple method of appropriately calculating these standard errors, which explicitly takes into account the sampling variability... Read article 1 December 2013Working Papers Read More
Work Incentives and Decisions to Remain in Paid Work in Australia Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood, Melek Cigdem Introduction Lifting workforce participation rates is a key objective of Australian policy-makers. The most recent evidence of this emerged in the lead up to the 2013 Federal election. The Coalition proposed that young Australians unemployed for 12 months or more and receiving... Read article 1 December 2013Working Papers Read More
Alternative Methods of Estimating Interaction Effects in Non-Linear Models Rachel Ong ViforJ, Richard Seymour Introduction This paper reviews alternative methods for estimating interaction effects in non-linear models. Interaction effects refer to the way in which the relationship between two variables can differ between categories of a third variable. Many researchers attempt to measure interaction effects, understanding that... Read article 1 December 2013Working Papers Read More
Housing equity withdrawal: Uses,risks and barriers to alternative mechanisms in later life Rachel Ong ViforJ, Therese Jefferson, Gavin Wood, Marietta Haffner This project, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), uncovers the uses, risks of and barriers to housing equity withdrawal (HEW) by older home owners aged 45 years and over via three alternative mechanisms: in situ mortgage... Read article 31 October 2013Research Reports Read More
The edges of home ownership Gavin Wood, Susan J Smith, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Melek Cigdem The edges of ownership form a neglected zone between the majority tenure, sustainable owner occupation, and the minority experience, long-term renting. In tenure-divided societies like Australia, the UK and the USA—where there is a stark financial, social and cultural divide... Read article 31 October 2013Research Reports Read More
An Intra-State Regional Framework for Analysing the Western Australian Economy Alan Duncan, Kenneth Leong Western Australia is a diverse state with unique regions. Studies on the economy that ignore regional developments are likely to be hindered by a lack of the richness and variability inherent in the intra-state regions. This note introduces a framework... Read article 31 October 2013Briefing Notes Read More
Marginalised Australians: characteristics and predictors of exit over ten years 2001-10 Tegan Cruwys, Helen Berry, Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Lean O’Brien, Brie Sage, Gabriela D’Souza A decade ago a group of ‘marginalised’ Australians were identified; individuals who are characterised by a complex mix of financial, social, and mental health disadvantage. This project has followed up these individuals ten years later, and found that a majority... Read article 14 October 2013Research Reports Read More
‘Go West, Young Man…’ Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan Key points Internal migration is a critical component of labour market flexibility. This report explores internal migration patterns in Australia, particularly over the last decade. Specifically, trends relating to East to West migration patterns are examined. Data from the latest... Read article 30 September 2013Briefing Notes Read More
Trends in Poverty and Inequality in Decentralising Indonesia Riyana Miranti, Yogi Vidyattama, Eric Hansnata, Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan As one of the world’s largest emerging economies, Indonesia has experienced rapid economic growth and substantial reduction of poverty over the past three decades, particularly prior to the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis. After the crisis, Indonesia entered a new development... Read article 23 July 2013Research Reports Read More
Incorporating Space in the Theory of Endogenous Growth Steven Bond-Smith, Philip McCann We describe how endogenous growth theory has now incorporated spatial factors. We also derive some of the policy implications of this new theory for growth and economic integration. We start by reviewing the product variety model of endogenous growth and... Read article 18 July 2013Books and Book Chapters Read More