‘Go West, Young Man…’
Recent interstate and internal migration to Western Australia
Number of Pages13
Number 13Issue 5
Key points
- Internal migration is a critical component of labour market flexibility.
- This report explores internal migration patterns in Australia, particularly over the last decade.
- Specifically, trends relating to East to West migration patterns are examined.
- Data from the latest Census (2011) is used together with previous Censuses data to analyse internal migration patterns and the characteristics of those who migrate.
- NSW and Queensland are the main source of interstate arrivals to WA.
- Differences in internal migration across regions in WA are evident.
- In the last five years, younger cohorts are now more likely to be moving to WA rather than leaving the state.
- Those educated at certificate level are more likely to move to WA form the Eastern states than individuals holding any other education level.
- Upon moving to WA, individuals are more likely to work as trades and technicians and be employed in the mining and construction sectors.
- Greater employment opportunities including higher wages are clear incentives for internal inflows into WA from other states and territories.