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Research Theme: Participation and EmploymentX
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – April 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Yashar Tarverdi We are delighted to announce the launch of our new BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update. Produced monthly, this new economic commentary will explore the latest Labour Force data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), providing expert insights and analysis... Read article 1 May 2017Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
The dynamics of informal care provision in the Australian household panel survey: Previous work characteristics and future care provision Ha Nguyen, Luke B. Connelly This study contributes to a small literature on the dynamics of informal care by examining the informal care provision choices of working age Australians. We focus on the impact of previous work characteristics (including work security and flexibility) on subsequent... Read article 20 April 2017Journal Articles Read More
Re-imagining the future for desert Australia Digby Race, Michael Dockery, Lisa Havas, Catherine Joyce, Supriya Mathew, Bruno Spandonide Desert regions of the world comprise about 25% of the world’s land surface and are home to 500 million people, yet are often portrayed as extreme places with resident communities marginalised from mainstream development. Australia has a relatively vast desert... Read article 7 April 2017Journal Articles Read More
happy workers: How satisfied are Australians at work? Rebecca Cassells In 2017, around 12 million Australians will work an estimated total of 20 billion hours in paid employment. An average Australian man can expect to spend half of their waking lives at a paying job and an average Australian woman... Read article 5 April 2017Research Reports Read More
Far removed: an insight into the labour markets of remote communities in central Australia Michael Dockery, Judith Lovell There are ongoing debates about the livelihoods of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians living in remote communities, and the role for policy in addressing socio-economic equity and the economic viability of those communities. The characteristics and dynamics of remote... Read article 3 April 2017Journal Articles Read More
Aboriginal assets? The impact of major agreements associated with native title in Western Australia Michael Dockery, Sarah Prout, Aileen Hoath Agreements negotiated under the regime created by the Native Title Act (1993) are often seen as having the potential to address disadvantage faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and promote Aboriginal economic independence. This applies particularly to regional... Read article 20 March 2017Research Reports Read More
Exchange rate fluctuations and immigrants’ labour market outcomes Ha Nguyen, Alan Duncan In this paper, we exploit plausibly exogenous changes in exchange rates across home countries over time and panel data to identify the causal impact of exchange rate fluctuations on Australian immigrants’ labour market outcomes. We present new and robust evidence... Read article 1 March 2017Journal Articles Read More
The dynamics of informal care provision in an Australian household panel survey: Previous work characteristics and future care provision Ha Nguyen, Luke B. Connelly This study contributes to a small literature on the dynamics of informal care by examining the informal care provision choices of working age Australians. We focus on the impact of previous work characteristics (including work security and flexibility) on subsequent... Read article 1 December 2016Working Papers Read More
Gendered Ageism in Australia: Changing Perceptions of Age Discrimination among Older Men and Women Michael McGann, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Dina Bowman, Alan Duncan, Helen Kimberley, Simon Biggs This paper investigates how age and gender interact to shape older jobseekers’ experiences of age discrimination within a mixed methods framework. The analysis reveals that there has been a considerable decline in national levels of perceived ageism generally among older... Read article 1 December 2016Journal Articles Read More
Looks matter: Attractiveness and Employment in the Former Soviet Union Astghik Mavisakalyan The rigid Soviet policy of full employment ensured employment for all able-bodied population. By removing this policy, the collapse of the system has made discrimination less costly. Has it also become prevalent? This paper studies the labour market discrimination on... Read article 1 November 2016Working Papers Read More
Sole-parent work schedules and adolescent wellbeing Michael Dockery, Jianghong Li, Garth Kendall Extensive evidence has shown that working nonstandard hours, such as evening or night shifts, impacts negatively on workers’ own health, and a growing literature suggests such impacts extend to the health of workers’ children. Using matched parent and child data... Read article 1 November 2016Journal Articles Read More
Back to the future: Western Australia’s economic future after the boom Alan Duncan, Ha Nguyen, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Yashar Tarverdi In 2014 the first report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series highlighted the abnormally high growth rate enjoyed by the state in the early years of the new millennium. This extended period of economic growth was driven primarily... Read article 20 October 2016Focus on WA Read More