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Author: Alan DuncanX
A Zero Inflated Regression Model for Grouped Data Sarah Brown, Alan Duncan, Mark Harris, Jennifer Roberts, Karl Taylor We introduce the (panel) zero-inflated interval regression (ZIIR) model, which is ideally suited when data are in the form of groups, which is commonly the case in survey data, and there is an ‘excess’ of zero observations. We apply our... Read article 1 January 2014Working Papers Read More
An Intra-State Regional Framework for Analysing the Western Australian Economy Alan Duncan, Kenneth Leong Western Australia is a diverse state with unique regions. Studies on the economy that ignore regional developments are likely to be hindered by a lack of the richness and variability inherent in the intra-state regions. This note introduces a framework... Read article 31 October 2013Briefing Notes Read More
Marginalised Australians: characteristics and predictors of exit over ten years 2001-10 Tegan Cruwys, Helen Berry, Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Lean O’Brien, Brie Sage, Gabriela D’Souza A decade ago a group of ‘marginalised’ Australians were identified; individuals who are characterised by a complex mix of financial, social, and mental health disadvantage. This project has followed up these individuals ten years later, and found that a majority... Read article 14 October 2013Research Reports Read More
‘Go West, Young Man…’ Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan Key points Internal migration is a critical component of labour market flexibility. This report explores internal migration patterns in Australia, particularly over the last decade. Specifically, trends relating to East to West migration patterns are examined. Data from the latest... Read article 30 September 2013Briefing Notes Read More
Trends in Poverty and Inequality in Decentralising Indonesia Riyana Miranti, Yogi Vidyattama, Eric Hansnata, Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan As one of the world’s largest emerging economies, Indonesia has experienced rapid economic growth and substantial reduction of poverty over the past three decades, particularly prior to the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis. After the crisis, Indonesia entered a new development... Read article 23 July 2013Research Reports Read More
Vietnam-Australia Economic Relations Alan Duncan, Kenneth Leong 2013 marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Australia and Vietnam.  Through the Whitlam government in February 1973 Australia became one of the first Western nations to establish formal bilateral ties with the then Democratic Republic of Vietnam.  Over... Read article 1 July 2013Briefing Notes Read More
The Influence of Psychological Well-Being, Ill-Health and Health Shocks on Single Parents’ Labour Supply Alan Duncan, Anthony Harris, Mark Harris, Eugenio Zucchelli This paper proposes a discrete-choice behavioural model of labour supply to examine the role of ill-health on single parents’ employment. The model provides estimates of individual preferences over a given set of labour market states and allows these preferences to be influenced by... Read article 1 July 2013Working Papers Read More
Underemployment among mature age workers in Australia Jinjing Li, Alan Duncan, Riyana Miranti Underemployment is a serious and pervasive problem both in terms of its impact on those individuals affected, and for the economy as a whole. International research has found that those who experience periods of underemployment are more likely to have... Read article 31 May 2013Working Papers Read More
Two Billion Dollars a Week: The Global Resources Boom and Western Australia Alan Duncan, Paul Koshy Western Australia (WA) has a long association with resource-driven growth, beginning with the Kalgoorlie gold rush of the 1890s which drew people from all over Australia and the world. That boom underpinned the rapid development of what was still a... Read article 1 May 2013Briefing Notes Read More