Media & Commentary

Media Items

Eight charts on our growing tax problem: what abandoning tax reform means for taxpayers As we move closer to Treasurer Scott Morrison’s third budget, what we do know is this – Australia has a revenue problem. A more global and digital economy; an ageing population with fewer taxpayers and sluggish wage growth make future... Read article 7 May 2018News & Public Commentary Read More
Senate Inquiry Submission: The Future of Work and Workers BCEC researchers have focussed a great deal of their academic work in examining social and economic issues affecting the labour market and workforce in Australia. This submission brings together a new body of evidence based on recent research released in BCEC’s Focus on... Read article 27 April 2018Public Submissions Read More
Precarious employment is rising rapidly among men: new research Precarious employment is increasing over time, and it still remains higher for women than men in Australia. But over the last nine years it has increased far more rapidly among men. This is despite greater workforce participation and lower unemployment... Read article 13 April 2018News & Public Commentary Read More
Precarious employment rising rapidly among men: research — Women fare better than men in employment opportunities — — Australians require new skills to thrive in workplaces of the future — Precarious employment over the last nine years has increased for both men and women, but more rapidly... Read article 12 April 2018Media Releases Read More
What governments can learn from Perth’s property market Governments can encourage more affordable housing by targeting first home buyer subsidies to specific locations and housing types, a new report finds. It also suggests incentivising developers and builders to create smaller houses with more cost-efficient designs. The report is based... Read article 27 March 2018News & Public Commentary Read More
Future tense: how the language you speak influences your willingness to take climate action Does the language we speak influence how much we care about the environment? Our new research suggests that the answer is yes. Speakers of languages without a distinct future tense, such as Finnish, care more about the environment than speakers... Read article 9 March 2018News & Public Commentary Read More
Using ‘she’ and ‘he’ reinforces gender roles and discrimination of women In the face of overwhelming evidence of gender discrimination and sexual harassment, should we really devote energy to changing how people speak? Surprisingly, an emerging body of research suggests we should. Gendered language – using “he” or “she” instead of... Read article 8 March 2018News & Public Commentary Read More
Negative gearing reforms can save $1.7 billion, new research shows — Negative gearing reforms can work without hurting ‘mum and dad’ investors– — Existing discounts are skewed towards the more affluent – Reforming negative gearing can save the Australian Government more than $1.7 billion each year without hurting ‘mum and... Read article 7 March 2018Media Releases Read More
Negative gearing reforms could save A$1.7 billion without hurting poorer investors Reforming negative gearing could save the federal government A$1.7 billion without hurting “mum and dad investors”, according to our new modelling, by focusing tax deductions on investors with smaller property portfolios and removing them for richer investors. Combined with changes... Read article 7 March 2018News & Public Commentary Read More
Auditing, matching pay and accountability will close the gender pay gap: study Taking action such as correcting like-for-like pay gaps, analysing performance pay and reporting the results to company boards are effective in closing the gender pay gap, new research shows. We found organisations that completed a pay gap analysis in the... Read article 2 March 2018News & Public Commentary Read More
Pay gaps close when leaders see the numbers More Australian employers taking action to close gender pay gaps Action three times more effective when data reported to executive or board  Australian employers that measure their gender pay gaps are making positive progress in closing gaps between women’s and... Read article 2 March 2018Media Releases Read More
Innovative jobs can help overcome disability and poverty link: report Australians with disabilities have the highest poverty risk of all OECD countries Families are the drivers of emerging employment models that are having success Adults with intellectual disabilities and high support needs are commonly denied access to employment but their... Read article 15 February 2018Media Releases Read More