Briefing Notes
Family and domestic violence in Australia
This BCEC Briefing Note assesses the prevalence, impact of and responses to family and domestic violence (FDV) in Australia. FDV is pervasive; it occurs among family members, and especially in intimate partner relationships. Around 1 in 6 women (17.3%) and... Read article

Agriculture in WA – Update Note
This research note provides an update on current trends in the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector in Western Australia. The economic and employment contribution that the sector makes to the Western Australian economy are discussed, along with the latest trends... Read article

WA Economic Update
This BCEC Briefing Note examines the latest Western Australian economic data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. As forecast in the BCEC Quarterly Economic Commentary in September 2018, the WA economy has returned to positive growth. This is on the... Read article

Illegal Drug Consumption and Mis-Reporting
We explore the misuse of pharmaceutical drugs in the Australian workforce, focusing on whether any differences exist between workers in particular industries or occupations. In terms of industry, being employed in hospitality is positively associated with pharmaceutical drug misuse, while... Read article

An Intra-State Regional Framework for Analysing the Western Australian Economy
Western Australia is a diverse state with unique regions. Studies on the economy that ignore regional developments are likely to be hindered by a lack of the richness and variability inherent in the intra-state regions. This note introduces a framework... Read article

‘Go West, Young Man…’
Key points Internal migration is a critical component of labour market flexibility. This report explores internal migration patterns in Australia, particularly over the last decade. Specifically, trends relating to East to West migration patterns are examined. Data from the latest... Read article

Vietnam-Australia Economic Relations
2013 marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Australia and Vietnam. Through the Whitlam government in February 1973 Australia became one of the first Western nations to establish formal bilateral ties with the then Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Over... Read article

Two Billion Dollars a Week: The Global Resources Boom and Western Australia
Western Australia (WA) has a long association with resource-driven growth, beginning with the Kalgoorlie gold rush of the 1890s which drew people from all over Australia and the world. That boom underpinned the rapid development of what was still a... Read article