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Research Theme: Population, Ageing and RetirementX
Bridging the Gap: Population, skills and labour market adjustment in WA
This sixteenth report in the Focus on WA series takes a rigorous look at skills shortages and labour market dynamics in the WA labour market and provides a fresh conceptual look at what skills shortages are, new empirical evidence on... Read article
Retirement and the distribution of intra-household wellbeing
This study analyses the links between retirement and the distribution of intra-household wellbeing among Australian mixed-sex couples. We study the implications of own and partner’s retirement on measures of life satisfaction, financial satisfaction, and free time satisfaction using household panel... Read article
Heaven can wait: future tense and religiosity
This paper identifies a new source of differences in religiosity: the type of future tense marking in language. We argue that the rewards and punishments that incentivise religious behaviour are more effective for speakers of languages without inflectional future tense.... Read article
The uneven distribution of housing supply, 2006–2016
This research, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), examines the quantity, composition and distribution of new housing supply across Australia 2006–16 and seeks to explain variations in local rates of production with reference to demand-side considerations... Read article
A methodology for projecting sparse populations and its application to remote Indigenous communities
A new method is proposed for generating projections for sparse populations by locality, age cohort and gender. An adaptation of the cohort replacement method, the approach uses a Tobit model with varying censoring limits to model population changes by cohort.... Read article
Migration flows in commodity cycles: Assessing the role of migration policies
This paper sheds light on the role of immigration policies in shaping immigration flows in responses to labor market changes. Using data from Australia during the 2001 to 2015 commodity cycle as a quasi-experiment, we find that employer-sponsored (demand-driven) immigration... Read article
Macroeconomic fluctuations in home countries and immigrants’ well-being
This article exploits plausibly exogenous changes in macroeconomic conditions across home countries over time and panel individual data to examine the causal impact of home countries’ macroeconomic conditions on immigrants’ well-being in Australia. We present new and robust evidence that... Read article
Culture, migration and educational performance: a focus on gender outcomes using Australian PISA tests
This paper explores how cultural and migrant backgrounds affect boys’ and girls’ high-school academic performance. Scores from the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment are analysed for Australian children from migrant and non-migrant families, conditional upon a measure of gender... Read article
Older Renters in the Western Australian Private Rental Sector
More people are reaching retirement age without owning a home, and the number of older people residing in the private rental market is increasing. Fixed incomes, short leases, a lack of affordable housing options and limited capacity to modify a... Read article
Superannuation and economic inequality among older Australians: evidence from HILDA
This article seeks to identify the effect that the current superannuation system has on economic inequality in later life. The analysis uses income and wealth data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, collected between 2002 and 2014,... Read article
Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Housing Supply
This paper provides an analysis of spatial and temporal patterns in housing supply in Australia over the period 2005–06 to 2015–16. It shows that by international standards, per capita housing supply is very strong in Australia. However, housing supply is... Read article
The health benefits of autonomous vehicles: Public awareness and receptivity in Australia
The aim of this study was to assess Australians’ attitudes to the advent of autonomous vehicles and the extent of their reported unprompted and prompted awareness of the potential health-related benefits arising from this technological advancement. The results indicate an... Read article