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Publication Type: Focus on WAX
Presentation: Dare to Venture: Startups and the innovation ecosystem in Western Australia
View the presentation slides from the launch of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre report, Dare to Venture: Startups and the innovation ecosystem in Western Australia, presented by Dr Daniel Kiely and Dr Abebe Hailemariam at the report’s launch on 19 November... Read article

Dare to Venture: Startups and the innovation ecosystem in Western Australia
Dare to Venture: Startups and the innovation ecosystem in Western Australia, the eighteenth report in the BCEC Focus on WA series, seeks to better understand the startup and innovation ecosystem in Western Australia, to inform policies that support entrepreneurship and... Read article

Housing Affordability in Western Australia 2023: Building for the future
The latest report in the BCEC Focus on WA report series, Housing Affordability in Western Australia 2023: Building for the future, compares housing affordability in WA to other jurisdictions for both homeowners and renters to get a sense of where WA sits. This... Read article

Bridging the Gap: Population, skills and labour market adjustment in WA
This sixteenth report in the Focus on WA series takes a rigorous look at skills shortages and labour market dynamics in the WA labour market and provides a fresh conceptual look at what skills shortages are, new empirical evidence on... Read article

Housing Affordability in WA: A tale of two tenures
This report by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre focuses on housing affordability and features findings from the fourth BCEC Housing Affordability Survey of 4,000 households across Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. This fifteenth report in BCEC’s Focus on WA... Read article

Back in Business? WA Small Businesses and the Impact of COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 has been felt across the economy and business sector, but for small businesses these shocks can be more challenging to deal with, with fewer resources to draw from. The latest lockdown is a set-back for WA’s... Read article

The Early Years: Investing in our Future
This latest report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series, the thirteenth in this series, looks to add to our understanding of the lives of young children in Australia, the environment within which they live and... Read article

Getting our house in order?
This report by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre focuses on housing affordability, one of the most important economic and social issues facing Western Australia, and indeed the country. This twelfth report in BCEC’s Focus on WA series builds on the Centre’s earlier... Read article

Falling Through the Net
New data technologies, big data analytics and intelligent software systems are transforming the way we produce, consume or distribute commodities, and increasingly, the way we access services. They are also changing the way in which we engage with our personal, social and business... Read article

The Price is Right?
The Western Australian economy has experienced something of a roller-coaster ride over the last decade. Unprecedented economic growth over the course of the resources boom has been followed by a post-boom period during which activity has cooled. Despite a reduction in demand in... Read article

The Engine Room for Growth?
The 2015 Federal Budget referred to small businesses as the ‘engine room’ of the economy. Australia’s changing economic landscape means that governments are placing greater emphasis on the important role of small businesses for growth and employment. This is not... Read article

Back to the future: Western Australia’s economic future after the boom
In 2014 the first report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series highlighted the abnormally high growth rate enjoyed by the state in the early years of the new millennium. This extended period of economic growth was driven primarily... Read article