
Exploring travel patterns of Chinese holiday tourists in Western Australia Mikhail Prude Carcausto Zea, Jianhong (Cecilia) Xia, Torsten Reiners, Kirsten Holmes This conference paper was included in CAUTHE 2018: Get Smart: Paradoxes and Possibilities in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Education and Research. The Chinese outbound market is considered extremely important for Australia. This is the fastest growing international market for Western Australia... Read article 5 February 2018Conference Papers Read More
A regional model of endogenous growth without scale assumptions Steven Bond-Smith, Philip McCann, Les Oxley In this paper we model growth using a scale-neutral approach to innovation allowing differences between regions to emerge due to regional mechanisms. In this model, agglomeration is growth enhancing as the scale effect for innovation arises from greater access to... Read article 1 February 2018Journal Articles Read More
Do employers reward physical attractiveness in transition countries Astghik Mavisakalyan This paper studies the labour market returns to physical attractiveness using data from three transition countries of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. I estimate a large positive effect of attractive looks on males probability of employment. Results from the... Read article 1 February 2018Journal Articles Read More
Misreporting and econometric modelling of zeros in survey data on social bads: An application to cannabis consumption William Greene, Mark Harris, Preety Srivastava, Xueyan Zhao When modelling “social bads,” such as illegal drug consumption, researchers are often faced with a dependent variable characterised by a large number of zero observations. Building on the recent literature on hurdle and double‐hurdle models, we propose a double‐inflated modelling... Read article 1 February 2018Journal Articles Read More
Oil and Women: A Re-examination Astghik Mavisakalyan, Yashar Tarverdi In a seminal article, Ross (2008) reports a negative correlation between oil production and women’s representation in the labour force and politics across countries. This article re-examines these relationships exploiting variations in oil endowments to address endogeneity concerns. We confirm... Read article 31 January 2018Journal Articles Read More
Modelling Illegal Drug Participation Sarah Brown, Mark Harris, Preety Srivastava, Xiaohui Zhang We contribute to the small, but important, literature exploring the incidence and implications of misreporting in survey data. Specifically, when modelling “social bads”, such as illegal drug consumption, researchers are often faced with exceptionally low reported participation rates. We propose... Read article 1 January 2018Journal Articles Read More
Aspects of Governance and CO2 Emissions: Yashar Tarverdi The reduction of CO2 emissions has been at the centre of worldwide debates on environmental issues, though its inclusion as one of the millennium development goals (MDGs) by the United Nations has changed the focus of relative literature. Among many,... Read article 1 January 2018Journal Articles Read More
BCEC Quarterly Economic Commentary – December 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely This is the first of Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Western Australia Quarterly Economic Commentary analysing the most recent data on economic and social indicators for WA. Key findings from this edition include: Mixed signals in 2017 make ‘cautious optimism’ the New... Read article 18 December 2017Economic Commentary  |  Quarterly Economic Commentary Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – Special Edition October 2017 Alan Duncan, Alan Langford, Rebecca Cassells, Yashar Tarverdi This special edition BCEC MLMU has been released to examine the impact of the major population re-benchmarking of the ABS Labour Force Survey. Every five years the ABS uses new information gathered from the Census to update its labour force... Read article 11 December 2017Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
The Price is Right? Alan Duncan, Kenneth Leong, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Silvia Salazar, Chris Twomey The Western Australian economy has experienced something of a roller-coaster ride over the last decade. Unprecedented economic growth over the course of the resources boom has been followed by a post-boom period during which activity has cooled. Despite a reduction in demand in... Read article 1 December 2017Focus on WA Read More
Returns to language skills in transition economies Astghik Mavisakalyan In many transition countries, the collapse of communism ushered in language reforms to adapt to the newfound independence from the Soviet Union and openness to the rest of the world. Such reforms may have implications for individuals’ economic opportunities, since... Read article 1 December 2017Journal Articles Read More
BCEC Newsletter Edition #3 September 2017 Joanne Peckitt, Kelly Pohatu This third edition of the tri-annual BCEC newsletter reports on a very active and successful period during the 2017 calendar year, with BCEC undertaking and delivering a number of research initiatives that have been influential in informing and shaping policy and debate on key... Read article 27 November 2017Corporate Publications Read More