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Research Theme: Participation and EmploymentX
Intra-household entitlements and gender inequality: An Australian perspective Jaslin Kalsi This paper analyses factors which affect the intra-household distribution of entitlements between men and women in Australian couple households. Several studies have been undertaken into the effects of intra-household bargaining on labour, domestic violence, fertility decisions, and wealth. However, Australian... Read article 15 November 2017Working Papers Read More
Oil and Women: A Re-examination Astghik Mavisakalyan, Yashar Tarverdi In a seminal article, Ross (2008) reports a negative correlation between oil production and women’s representation in the labour force and politics across countries. This article re-examines these relationships exploiting variations in oil endowments to address endogeneity concerns. We confirm... Read article 15 November 2017Working Papers Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – September 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Yashar Tarverdi Welcome to the sixth edition of the BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update. Produced monthly, this economic commentary explores the latest labour force data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), providing expert insights and analysis around key labour market indicators. Key findings from September... Read article 25 October 2017Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – August 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Yashar Tarverdi Welcome to the fifth edition of the BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update. Produced monthly, this economic commentary explores the latest Labour Force data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), providing expert insights and analysis around key labour market indicators.... Read article 13 October 2017Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
Equity in higher education and graduate labour market outcomes in Australia Ian W. Li, Stephane Mahutaeu, Michael Dockery, P.N. (Raja) Junankar The rate of higher education participation in Australia has increased over the past decade for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. This study contributes to the knowledge on the outcomes of disadvantaged individuals who complete higher education by looking at the labour... Read article 18 September 2017Journal Articles Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – July 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Yashar Tarverdi Welcome to the fourth edition of the BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update. Produced monthly, this economic commentary will explore the latest Labour Force data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), providing expert insights and analysis around key labour market... Read article 11 September 2017Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – June 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Yashar Tarverdi Welcome to the third edition of the BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update. Produced monthly, this economic commentary will explore the latest Labour Force data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), providing expert insights and analysis around key labour market indicators. Key... Read article 3 August 2017Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
Educate Australia Fair? Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan, Richard Seymour When we think of a ‘good society’ – a society that is fair and just – one of the defining characteristics is likely to be that all individuals have equal opportunity to realise their potential, irrespective of the circumstances into... Read article 28 June 2017Focus on The States Read More
Inquiry into housing policies, labour force participation and economic growth Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood, Stephen Whelan, Melek Cigdem, Kadir Atalay, Jago Dodson This Inquiry, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), presents evidence on how housing policies might promote labour force participation and economic growth through four channels—housing supply responsiveness, labour mobility, employment decisions and consumption. Despite strong evidence... Read article 27 June 2017Research Reports Read More
BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – May 2017 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Yashar Tarverdi Welcome to the second edition of the BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update. Produced monthly, this economic commentary will explore the latest Labour Force data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), providing expert insights and analysis around key labour market indicators. Key... Read article 27 June 2017Monthly Labour Market Update Read More
Employers’ perception of the costs and the benefits of hiring individuals with autism spectrum disorder in open employment in Australia Melissa Scott, Andrew Jacob, Delia Hendrie, Richard Parsons, Sonya Girdler, Torbjorn Falkmer, Marita Falkmer Research has examined the benefits and costs of employing adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the perspective of the employee, taxpayer and society, but few studies have considered the employer perspective. This study examines the benefits and costs of employing adults with... Read article 18 May 2017Journal Articles Read More
Housing supply responsiveness in Australia: distribution, drivers and institutional settings Rachel Ong ViforJ, Tony Dalton, Nicole Gurran, Christopher Phelps, Steven Rowley, Gavin Wood Key findings from this report, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), include the following: A 1 per cent increase in the level of real housing prices is estimated to produce a 4.7 per cent (3.9%) increase... Read article 18 May 2017Research Reports Read More