Highlights from the BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights 2021 Report Launch

Alan Duncan, Director
Joanna Holcombe, Industry Engagement Coordinator
“A quarter of a century to close the gender pay gap for full time workers is a long time, but we can get there faster if we start paying closer attention to how women and men are paid.”
Watch the highlights of our Gender Equity Insights 2021: Making it a Priority report launch with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency featuring:
- Rebecca Mitchell, Chief Information Officer, Bankwest;
- Hon Simone McGurk MLA, Minister for Child Protection, Women’s Interests, Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence, Community Services;
- Professor Alan Duncan, Director and Associate Professor Rebecca Cassells, Deputy Director, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre;
- Libby Lyons, Former Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency;
- Graham Kerr, Chief Executive Officer, South32; and
- Professor Chris Moran, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, Curtin University.