Watch: BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights 2021: Making it a Priority report launch

Alan Duncan, Director
Joanna Holcombe, Industry Engagement Coordinator
Watch the BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights 2021: Making it a Priority report launch
The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency launched their new report, ‘BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights 2021: Making it a Priority’ on Friday 26 March, 2021.
This new report uncovers fresh insights about what works to improve gender equality across Australia’s largest workplaces by identifying the top performers in gender equity, while also highlighting the risks and challenges to achieving gender equality in workplaces in the years ahead.
13m 40s – Rebecca Mitchell, Chief Information Officer, Bankwest
18m 40s – Hon. Simone McGurk MLA, Minister for Child Protection; Women’s Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services
31m 45s – Professor Alan Duncan and Associate Professor Rebecca Cassells, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, present report findings
52m 55s – Libby Lyons, Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency
1h 0m 10s – Panel featuring Hon. Simone McGurk MLA; Graham Kerr, Chief Executive Officer, South32; Libby Lyons, Director, WGEA; Alan Duncan, BCEC; and Rebecca Cassells, BCEC
1h 25m 35s – Professor Chris Moran, Deputy Vice-Chanellor Research, Curtin University