Trust a few: Natural disasters and the disruption of trust in Africa

JournalJournal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics
PublishedDecember 2024
Number of Pages17


  • Natural disaster exposure imposes a negative influence on the formation of trust.
  • Shocks during the impressionable years influence the development of trust.
  • Increased disaster frequency has a negative association with interpersonal and institutional trust.


Individuals are at their most mental plasticity in their impressionable years (ages 18–25 years) forming long-term attitudes and behaviours essential to functioning in a society, such as trust.

In this paper we ask how exposure to natural disasters within the impressionable years may affect the formation of trust by matching data from over 1,000 disaster occurrences with data from 88,670 individuals across 36 African nations.

Exploiting the frequency of disaster exposure across the impressionable years, we show that disaster exposure has a negative and significant association with generalized trust. Additionally, we show that disasters experienced during the impressionable years have an impact on other dimensions of interpersonal and institutional trust. Our findings are robust to a battery of tests and add to the evidence base on the lasting impacts of natural disasters on individuals and societies.