
Presentation: Gender Equity Insights 2024: The changing nature of part-time work in Australia Alan Duncan, Silvia Salazar View the publication by lead authors Professor Alan Duncan, Director, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, and Dr Silvia Salazar, Senior Research Fellow, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, from the launch of the report Gender Equity Insights 2024: The changing nature of part-time work... Read article 9 September 2024Presentations Read More
Presentation: Building the Dream: The future of Western Australia’s construction industry Adam Crowe, Alan Duncan View the presentation by lead authors Dr Adam Crowe, Research Fellow, Curtin AHURI Research Centre, and Professo Alan Duncan, Director, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, from the launch of the report Building the Dream: The future of Western Australia’s construction industry, on... Read article 18 July 2024Presentations Read More
Presentation: Employment and disability in Australia Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan View the presentation by lead authors Professor Mike Dockery, Principal Research Fellow, and Professor Alan Duncan, Director, both of Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, from the launch of the report Employment and disability in Australia: Improving employment outcomes for people with disability, on... Read article 14 March 2024Focus on The States  |  Presentations Read More
Presentation: The Benefits of Australia’s Trade and Economic Relationship with China Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Abebe Hailemariam, Alex Buckland, Panagiotis Sotirakopoulos, Mohammad Farhad Commissioned by the Australia China Business Council (ACBC), BCEC has released preliminary findings from an upcoming report on the Benefits of Australia’s Trade and Economic Relationship with China. Presented at an ACBC event at Parliament House on the 18th October,... Read article 17 October 2023Presentations Read More
Presentation – Housing Affordability in Western Australia 2023: Building for the future Alan Duncan, Steven Rowley View the presentation by Professor Alan Duncan, Director, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, and Professor Steven Rowley, Director, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute – Curtin Research Centre, from the launch of the report Housing Affordability in Western Australia 2023: Building... Read article 5 May 2023Presentations Read More
Presentation – Behind the Line: Poverty and disadvantage in Australia 2022 Alan Duncan View the presentation by John Curtin Distinguished Professor Alan Duncan, Director of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, from the launch of the Behind the Line: Poverty and disadvantage in Australia 2022 report on Thursday 3 March, 2022. This report, the ninth... Read article 3 March 2022Presentations Read More
Presentation: Housing Affordability in WA: A tale of two tenures presentation Alan Duncan, Amity James View the presentation slides given by John Curtin Distinguished Professor Alan Duncan Director, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, and Dr Amity James, Deputy Director, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute – Curtin Research Centre, at the launch of the Housing Affordability in... Read article 24 June 2021Presentations Read More
Presentation: Gender Equity Insights 2021: Making it a Priority Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan View the presentation given by John Curtin Distinguished Professor Alan Duncan and Associate Professor Rebecca Cassells, of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, at the report launch on Friday 26 March, 2021. For seven years, non-public sector organisations in Australia with... Read article 29 March 2021Presentations Read More
Green Shoots: Opportunities to grow a sustainable WA economy presentation This latest report in the Focus on Industry series, the fifth report in this series, identifies significant opportunities for Western Australia to reduce the negative environmental impact of industries across its regions, and provides a roadmap for WA to transition... Read article 16 November 2020Presentations Read More
The Early Years: Investing in our Future Presentation Rebecca Cassells, Daniel Kiely This latest report in the Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series, the thirteenth in this series, looks at the importance of the early years for young children in influencing outcomes in later life. It also highlights the disparity between advantage and... Read article 2 September 2020Presentations Read More
Gender Equity Insights 2020 Presentation: Delivering the Business Outcomes Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan Our 2020 Gender Equity Insights report, the fifth report in this series, shows that more women at the top proves better for business: Profitability, performance and productivity increase under female leadership Female top-tier managers add 6.6 per cent to market... Read article 23 June 2020Presentations Read More
Breaking through the Glass Ceiling – What Works? Rebecca Cassells Glass ceilings have featured heavily in Australia’s workplaces for centuries but in recent years significant changes have been made. Women now make up almost 50% of Australia’s workforce and hold around 40% of all full-time jobs, and although women still... Read article 22 October 2019Presentations Read More
Economic, Social and Demographic Trends for the Mid West Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely On invitation from the Mid West Chamber of Commerce and Industry, BCEC Director Professor Alan Duncan and Senior Research Fellow Dr Daniel Kiely recently presented at the successful Mid West Economic Summit – ‘Building Better Business’ on key economic, social and demographic trends for... Read article 6 September 2018Presentations Read More
Housing Futures in Australia: An Intergenerational Perspective Rachel Ong ViforJ This presentation was delivered by Professor Rachel Ong ViforJ at the launch of CEDA’s Housing Australia research report, on 29 August 2017 in Perth. As a contributing author for the report, Rachel’s presentation centered on her chapter titled Intergenerational Consequences. 29 August 2017Presentations Read More
Child poverty: Prevalence and progress Alan Duncan This presentation was delivered by Professor Alan Duncan at the Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) Community Relief and Resilience Conference, on 26 July 2017 in Perth. The conference centred on the theme of child poverty, 30 years after then... Read article 26 July 2017Presentations Read More
Economic Evaluation: Objective, approach, challenges and solutions Rebecca Cassells Keep them Safe (KTS) is the NSW whole-of-government response to the recommendations of the Wood Special Commission. NSW has spent nearly $800m over five years to reform the child protection and early intervention systems, with over 50 different projects being... Read article 7 September 2015Presentations Read More