
Back to the future: Western Australia’s economic future after the boom Alan Duncan, Ha Nguyen, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Yashar Tarverdi In 2014 the first report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series highlighted the abnormally high growth rate enjoyed by the state in the early years of the new millennium. This extended period of economic growth was driven primarily... Read article 20 October 2016Focus on WA Read More
Assessing the Significance of Internal Migration in Drought Affected Areas Yogi Vidyattama, Rebecca Cassells, Jinjing Li, Annie Abello The Murray-Darling Basin is the heart of Australia’s agricultural industry, representing 14 per cent of all agricultural output and housing almost 40 per cent of Australia’s farmers. The area is also one of the biggest consumers of Australia’s scarce water... Read article 30 September 2016Journal Articles Read More
From Paddock to Plate: WA’s potential in agriculture and agribusiness Steven Bond-Smith, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Kenneth Leong, Ha Nguyen There has been a collective nervousness following the decline in the resources sector in Western Australia and its associated grim headlines. Agriculture has historically been an important industry for the state. With an expanding middle class in China and a rising population in... Read article 23 September 2016BCEC Reports  |  Focus on Industry Read More
Youth Social Exclusion in Australian Communities Annie Abello, Rebecca Cassells, Anne Daly, Gabriela D’Souza, Riyana Miranti Social exclusion is a multi-dimensional measure of disadvantage that spans a number of aspects of an individual’s life that impact upon their current and future wellbeing. For young people at an important life stage transitioning from childhood to adulthood, contributing... Read article 1 September 2016Journal Articles Read More
The Efficiency of Australian Schools: A Nationwide Analysis Using Gains in Test Scores of Students as Outputs Ha Nguyen, Son Nghiem, Luke B. Connelly This study examines the efficiency of schools in Australia and its determinants using the gain in NAPLAN test scores of students in 6,774 schools in 2009–2011. The results show that, based on empirical input–output combinations, the growth of NAPLAN test... Read article 1 September 2016Journal Articles Read More
Are there institutional differences in the earnings of Australian higher education graduates? Paul Koshy, Richard Seymour, Michael Dockery This paper examines the effect of university quality, as proxied by institutional groupings, on the earnings outcomes of Australian university qualified persons. It uses data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey to examine the impact... Read article 1 September 2016Journal Articles Read More
Women in the Boardroom and Fraud: Evidence from Australia Alessandra Capezio, Astghik Mavisakalyan We examine the relationship between women’s representation on corporate boards and fraud. Drawing on a discussion of existing studies, we hypothesise that increasing women’s representation on boards can help mitigate fraud. We provide validation to our conjecture through an empirical... Read article 1 September 2016Journal Articles Read More
Housing Tax Reform: Is there a way forward? Gavin Wood, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Melek Cigdem Australian home owners and investors benefit from various tax concessions. Home owner tax concessions are poorly targeted with older, higher income households the main beneficiaries. There could also be efficiency consequences if the tax favoured owner-occupied housing sector attracts investment... Read article 31 August 2016Journal Articles Read More
Community Wellbeing From the Ground Up Mandy Yap, Eunice Yu At some point in our lives, we have asked ourselves one or all of these questions. What matters most in life? What makes life worth living? What makes you happy? What makes you feel good? What makes you flourish? Wellbeing can mean many... Read article 12 August 2016BCEC Reports  |  Feature Read More
Economic Diversification in Australia Kenneth Leong, John Phillimore Chapter 7 Economic Diversification in Australia. Australia has been a stand-out economic performer for more than two decades, having enjoyed uninterrupted economic growth since 1991. During this time it has sailed through the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s,... Read article 1 August 2016Books and Book Chapters Read More
Subsidised affordable rental housing: lessons from Australia and overseas Steven Rowley, Amity James, Catherine Gilbert, Nicole Gurran, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Peter Phibbs, David Rosen, Christine Whitehead A supply of affordable rental housing is essential to allow households to transition out of scarce public and social housing and into the private rental sector. Affordable rental options are essential for those households already in the private rental sector... Read article 1 August 2016Research Reports Read More
Recognition: applications in aged care work Therese Jefferson, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Rhonda Sharp, Gill Lewin Detailed arguments about the importance of recognition were present in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments but received little attention in classical and neoclassical economics. However recognition is re-emerging as an important concept in social and economic research. In this... Read article 1 July 2016Journal Articles Read More