Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: Synthesis of Evaluations Final Report
Many of the individual programs established or expanded as part of the KTS initiative for child protection in New South Wales have been evaluated as part of the wider commitment to evaluate the KTS reforms. This report provides an assessment of KTS programs using these evaluations, considering both the quality of the evaluation and its findings. It aims to provide guidance to NSW Government on which programs have demonstrated positive outcomes and which have not, so they can make decisions on which programs to continue or expand, and which programs to close. The programs discussed in this report represent $315 million of program expenditure, or just over one-third of total KTS funding ($750 million).
This report provides an overview of the evaluated individual programs, using a methodology which has been specifically developed for appraisal of these evaluations, and reports the results of the analysis using this framework, followed with a discussion of limitations and recommendations for future evaluations. Detailed appraisals for individual program evaluations can be found in the Appendix.