Gender Equity Insights
Gender Equity Insights 2024: The changing nature of part-time work in Australia
The ninth report in the BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights series provides an in-depth analysis of the evolving nature of part-time work and implications of this change for the future of work in Australia, finding: Part-time roles dropped by 3.2 percentage points... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2023: Accelerating the pace of change
The eighth report in the Gender Equity Insights series from the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) looks at the gender equality strategies at nearly 4,800 Australian employers to determine what factors are accelerating... Read article

Executive Summary: Gender Equity Insights 2023: Accelerating the pace of change
The BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights 2023 Executive Summary is a printable summary of the key findings and infographics from this year’s report, Gender Equity Insights 2023: Accelerating the pace of change, which looks at the gender equality strategies at nearly... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2022: The state of inequality in Australia
Missed the online report launch? You can watch it on YouTube here. The seventh edition of the BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights series looks at Australia’s gender pay gap and finds that it could narrow by a third if a more... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2021: Making it a Priority
For seven years, non-public sector organisations in Australia with more than 100 employees reported annually to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) on gender equality policies and practices in their organisations. This world-leading data base has advanced our understanding of... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2020: Delivering the Business Outcomes
Our 2020 Gender Equity Insights report, the fifth report in this series, shows that more women at the top proves better for business: Profitability, performance and productivity increase under female leadership Female top-tier managers add 6.6 per cent to market... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2019: Breaking through the Glass Ceiling
Glass ceilings have featured heavily in Australia’s workplaces for centuries but in recent years significant changes have been made. Women now make up almost 50% of Australia’s workforce and hold around 40% of all full-time jobs. Although women still remain under-represented... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2018: Inside Australia’s Gender Pay Gap
This third report in the BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights series extends and strengthens the evidence base around gender pay gaps and how these have changed over time across Australian workplaces. The report uses unique data reported to the WGEA, capturing 4... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2017: Inside Australia’s Gender Pay Gap
The persistence of the gender pay gap in the Australian labour market is perplexing. The past decades have seen some major advances for women in the workforce and intentional policy initiatives that have targeted a reduction of the pay gap... Read article

Gender Equity Insights 2016: Inside Australia’s Gender Pay Gap
This first report in the BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights series seeks to add to and strengthen the evidence base that exists around gender pay gaps throughout Australian workplaces. The report uses unique data reported to WGEA, capturing 4 million workers and more... Read article