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Research Theme: Education and SkillsX
Dare to Venture: Startups and the innovation ecosystem in Western Australia
Dare to Venture: Startups and the innovation ecosystem in Western Australia, the eighteenth report in the BCEC Focus on WA series, seeks to better understand the startup and innovation ecosystem in Western Australia, to inform policies that support entrepreneurship and... Read article

Presentation: Employment and disability in Australia
View the presentation by lead authors Professor Mike Dockery, Principal Research Fellow, and Professor Alan Duncan, Director, both of Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, from the launch of the report Employment and disability in Australia: Improving employment outcomes for people with disability, on... Read article

BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – November 2023
– Surprise pre-Christmas jump in full-time employment: up by 0.6% in November – – Participation rate leaps to 67.2 per cent, 0.2ppt – – MYEFO projections banking on deteriorating jobs growth in coming quarters – Jobs figures strong, but estimates... Read article

BCEC Monthly Labour Market Update – October 2023
– Inflation and interest rates to stay high for longer – – Labour market stubbornly resilient, as jobs grow by 55,000 nationally – – Real wages to keep falling in coming quarters – Jobs data in line with revised expectations... Read article

Using the net promoter score to understand international alumni satisfaction
Giving a platform to the debate about graduate employability from the student, university and employer perspectives, this innovative How To Guide explores the challenges associated with ensuring the employability of university graduates. In defining the nature of employability, the book,... Read article

2022 Women’s Report Card
The 2022 Women’s Report Card sets out the status and current state of play of women in Western Australia, and in doing so, helps to track progress to achieving better outcomes for women. As is the case to varying degrees... Read article

Parental expectations of children’s higher education participation in Australia
The role of parental expectations in determining children’s higher education participation is important in understanding both participation and potential policy responses Using a nationally representative longitudinal survey of Australian households, providing repeat observations on expectations for individual children, this study... Read article

Course non-completion and multiple qualifications: re-estimating the returns to education in Australia
Among Australian studies estimating returns to education, there is a consensus that education is a highly profitable investment. Conventional estimates of returns to education examine earnings conditional upon individuals’ years of education, with years spent in education typically inferred from... Read article

Secondary students’ access to careers information: the role of socio-economic background
This paper focusses on how careers advice provided to Australian secondary school students varies according to students’ socio-economic background. National data for students in Years 11 and 12 from five cohorts of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth initiated between... Read article

Bachelor degree participation in vocational institutions: examining the determinants of participation
Recent studies in Australia have found that bachelor’s degree participation in vocational institutions in Australia tends to skew towards students from high and middle socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds. This outcome runs counter to overall vocational participation which is dominated by... Read article

The impact of geopolitical risk on tourism
In this paper, we examine the impact of geopolitical risk on the demand for tourism service export. Using structural VAR model and U.S. monthly data from January 1999 to August 2020, we find that geopolitical risk has a negative and... Read article

Changing demand for STEM skills in Australia and gender implications
A method is developed for measuring the intensity with which skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are used in different occupations based on workers’ field of qualification and weighted by the wage premium associated with their level of... Read article