
Re-imagining the future for desert Australia Digby Race, Michael Dockery, Lisa Havas, Catherine Joyce, Supriya Mathew, Bruno Spandonide Desert regions of the world comprise about 25% of the world’s land surface and are home to 500 million people, yet are often portrayed as extreme places with resident communities marginalised from mainstream development. Australia has a relatively vast desert... Read article 7 April 2017Journal Articles Read More
happy workers: How satisfied are Australians at work? Rebecca Cassells In 2017, around 12 million Australians will work an estimated total of 20 billion hours in paid employment. An average Australian man can expect to spend half of their waking lives at a paying job and an average Australian woman... Read article 5 April 2017Research Reports Read More
Far removed: an insight into the labour markets of remote communities in central Australia Michael Dockery, Judith Lovell There are ongoing debates about the livelihoods of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians living in remote communities, and the role for policy in addressing socio-economic equity and the economic viability of those communities. The characteristics and dynamics of remote... Read article 3 April 2017Journal Articles Read More
Life on the edge: a perspective on precarious home ownership in Australia and the UK Gavin Wood, Susan J. Smith, Melek Cigdem, Rachel Ong ViforJ This paper focuses on two countries with debt-funded ownership-centred housing systems, Australia and the UK. Financially, there are similarities between these two societies, which have relatively ‘complete’, reasonably well-regulated mortgage markets, had limited exposure to the extremes of subprime, and... Read article 1 April 2017Journal Articles Read More
Aboriginal assets? The impact of major agreements associated with native title in Western Australia Michael Dockery, Sarah Prout, Aileen Hoath Agreements negotiated under the regime created by the Native Title Act (1993) are often seen as having the potential to address disadvantage faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and promote Aboriginal economic independence. This applies particularly to regional... Read article 20 March 2017Research Reports Read More
Gender Equity Insights 2017: Inside Australia’s Gender Pay Gap Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Rachel Ong ViforJ The persistence of the gender pay gap in the Australian labour market is perplexing. The past decades have seen some major advances for women in the workforce and intentional policy initiatives that have targeted a reduction of the pay gap... Read article 2 March 2017Gender Equity Insights Read More
A new look at the channels from housing to employment decisions Melek Cigdem, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood The purpose of this study, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), is to investigate the role of current housing assistance arrangements, housing wealth and mortgages in individuals’ employment decisions. The study also explores whether bequests or... Read article 2 March 2017Research Reports Read More
Exchange rate fluctuations and immigrants’ labour market outcomes Ha Nguyen, Alan Duncan In this paper, we exploit plausibly exogenous changes in exchange rates across home countries over time and panel data to identify the causal impact of exchange rate fluctuations on Australian immigrants’ labour market outcomes. We present new and robust evidence... Read article 1 March 2017Journal Articles Read More
Parental health and children’s cognitive and non-cognitive development Ha Nguyen, Huong Thu Le This paper examines the effects of parental health on cognitive and non-cognitive development in Australian children. The underlying nationally representative panel data and a child fixed effects estimator are used to deal with unobserved heterogeneity. We find that only father’s... Read article 27 February 2017Journal Articles Read More
Housing equity withdrawal: perceptions of obstacles among Australian home owners and service providers Rachel Ong ViforJ, Therese Jefferson, Marietta Haffner, Gavin Wood Housing wealth dominates the asset portfolios of the older population in Australia and many other countries. Given the anticipated spike in fiscal costs associated with population ageing, there is growing policy interest in housing equity withdrawal (HEW) to finance living... Read article 20 February 2017Journal Articles Read More
On the role of governance and health aid on child mortality Yashar Tarverdi, Anu Rammohan Globally, child mortality rates continue to be unacceptably high despite improvement in child health outcomes. The role of macro level indicators, such as governance and health aid on child mortality, remains under-researched. The aim of this article is to analyse... Read article 1 February 2017Journal Articles Read More
Culture, housing, remoteness and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child development. Michael Dockery The limited empirical evidence available in Australia points to beneficial effects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ identification with their culture across a range of outcome domains. Living in remote communities, with limited mainstream economic opportunity, services and infrastructure... Read article 1 February 2017Working Papers Read More