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Author: Richard SeymourX
Stronger Together: Loneliness and social connectedness in Australia
This report, the eighth in the Focus on the States series, examines trends in social connectedness in Australia and assesses their implications for human wellbeing and development. Stronger Together: Loneliness and social connectedness in Australia explores the breadth and variety... Read article
Creativity at the Crossroads? The creative industries in Western Australia
This report, the sixth in the Focus on Industry series provides an in-depth look at the Arts and Cultural sectors within the Western Australian economy. With the boundaries of the sector defying definition by standard statistical collections, this report takes a... Read article
Green Shoots: Opportunities to grow a sustainable WA economy
Green Shoots: Opportunities to grow a sustainable WA economy, the fifth report in the Focus on Industry series, looks at the green economy, taking stock of the current environmental footprint and development of ‘green’ sectors as well as identifying opportunities... Read article
The Early Years: Investing in our Future
This latest report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series, the thirteenth in this series, looks to add to our understanding of the lives of young children in Australia, the environment within which they live and... Read article
Finding a Place to Call Home
What are the key issues and challenges relating to immigration in Australia? Where do immigrants come from, where do they settle, and what types of jobs do they do? How do migrants affect the wages? To what extent do we... Read article
2019 Women’s Report Card
The Department of Communities in partnership with the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre have today released the 2019 WA Women’s Report Card and Data Insights Platform. The 2019 Women’s Report Card presents fact-based information to raise awareness of the status of... Read article
To Health and Happiness
We often hear that an ageing Western Australian population will have a profound impact on our labour market and economy. However, it is the pressure that this changing demographic is placing on our health system that may cause the largest social impact of... Read article
Future of Work in Australia
This sixth report in BCEC’s Focus on the States series will examine the way in which the organisation of work is changing – from workforces to workplaces – and the implications of these changes for Australia. The organisation of work is changing.... Read article
The income tax treatment of housing assets: an assessment of proposed reform arrangements
This report models several potential transitional arrangements that may ease the distribution pressures arising from reforms to negative gearing and capital gains tax (CGT) reform, and help smooth a reform pathway that is more politically acceptable. Negative gearing and CGT... Read article
Scenarios for Western Australia’s International Education Sector
International education is a key sector for the Australian and Western Australian economies. It is now the country’s principal services export and our third largest export industry overall. It has been identified in many government and other studies as an... Read article
Parental expectations for young people’s participation in higher education in Australia
This paper examines factors affecting parental expectations of higher education prospects for their children using Australian household survey data. We find that a variety of factors influence parental expectations, of which parents’ assessment of their children’s academic performance is the... Read article
Educate Australia Fair?
When we think of a ‘good society’ – a society that is fair and just – one of the defining characteristics is likely to be that all individuals have equal opportunity to realise their potential, irrespective of the circumstances into... Read article