
The efficiency of schools in Australia Hong Son Nghiem, Ha Nguyen, Luke B. Connelly This study examines the efficiency of schools in Australia and its determinants using the gain in NAPLAN test scores of students in 6,774 schools in 2009-2011. The results show that, based on empirical input-output combinations, the growth of NAPLAN test... Read article 1 March 2016Working Papers Read More
Work ability, age and intention to leave aged care work Siobhan Austen, Therese Jefferson, Gill Lewin, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Rhonda Sharp Aim To describe the work ability of mature age women workers in Australia’s aged care sector, and to explore the relationship between ageing, work ability and intention to leave. Method Logistic regression techniques were applied to a sample of 2721... Read article 1 March 2016Journal Articles Read More
WA Wine Exports: Building an Economic Future with China Jeremy Galbreath, Grace Gao, Louis Geneste, Kristina Georgiou, Niki Hynes, Paull Weber Australian wine production has had a fair share of ups and downs in the past 10 years. More recently, overproduction, the high value of the dollar, and global competition from rapidly improving New World wine producers has strained the industry. Revenue has declined. Exports have softened. An... Read article 10 February 2016BCEC Reports  |  Feature Read More
The labor market return to academic fraud Astghik Mavisakalyan, Juergen Meinecke Academic fraud by undergraduate students is pervasive, but should it be taken seriously as an economic problem? Our research suggests so. Using a unique data set from the Caucasus, we estimate a large positive effect of academic fraud on the... Read article 1 February 2016Journal Articles Read More
Broadband and economic growth: a re-assessment Gary Madden, Walter J. Mayer, Chen Wu This study questions whether broadband network penetration a robust determinant of economic growth. For our preferred dynamic specification, penetration is statistically insignificant with speed (positively) and its interaction with penetration (negatively) impacting on growth. The negatively signed interaction term suggests... Read article 13 January 2016Working Papers Read More
Measuring Small Area Inequality Using Spatial Microsimulation Riyana Miranti, Rebecca Cassells, Yogi Vidyattama, Justine McNamara Measuring income inequality has long been of interest in applied social and economic research in the OECD countries including Australia. This includes measuring income inequality at the regional level. In this article, we have used spatial microsimulation techniques to calculate... Read article 1 December 2015Journal Articles Read More
Underemployment among mature age workers in Australia Jinjing Li, Alan Duncan, Riyana Miranti Underemployment is a serious and pervasive problem both in terms of its impact on those individuals affected, and for the economy as a whole. Underemployment is associated with job insecurity, increased casualisation and lower savings, and from a macroeconomic standpoint,... Read article 1 December 2015Journal Articles Read More
A zero-inflated regression model for grouped data Sarah Brown, Alan Duncan, Mark Harris, Jennifer Roberts, Karl Taylor We introduce the (panel) zero-inflated interval regression (ZIIR) model, which is ideally suited when data are in the form of groups, and there is an ‘excess’ of zero observations. We apply our new modelling framework to the analysis of visits... Read article 1 December 2015Journal Articles Read More
The impact of maternal mental health shocks on child health Huong Thu Le, Ha Nguyen This paper contributes to an emerging body of literature on intergenerational transmission in health by presenting the first causal estimates on the impact of maternal mental health shocks on child health. The potential endogeneity of maternal mental health shocks is... Read article 1 December 2015Working Papers Read More
Occupational segregation and women’s job satisfaction Michael Dockery, Sandra Buchler Data on men and women’s job satisfaction conditional upon the degree of feminisation of their occupation are used to explore potential causes and implications of occupational segregation by gender in the Australian labour market. We find some evidence for the... Read article 1 December 2015Working Papers Read More
Housing older Australians: Loss of homeownership and pathways into housing assistance Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood, Val Colic-Peisker In Australia and other ‘homeownership societies’ it has been conventional to think of housing pathways in terms of a smooth linear progression, leading to outright ownership in middle age and a retirement buffered by low housing costs. This vision of... Read article 1 December 2015Journal Articles Read More
Beyond the Bottom Line: Government debt in Australia Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, John Phillimore, Yashar Tarverdi Beyond the Bottom Line is the third report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on the States series. The report examines the highly topical and politically sensitive subject of government debt in Australia and seeks to provide a balanced... Read article 26 November 2015Focus on The States Read More