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Research Theme: Policy EvaluationX
Child poverty: Prevalence and progress Alan Duncan This presentation was delivered by Professor Alan Duncan at the Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) Community Relief and Resilience Conference, on 26 July 2017 in Perth. The conference centred on the theme of child poverty, 30 years after then... Read article 26 July 2017Presentations Read More
Australian Demographic Trends and Implications for Housing Assistance Programs Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood, Melek Cigdem This report, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), presents the findings from two programs of research. In the first (Part 1), we explore the implications of demographic change for government outlays on housing assistance, and the... Read article 1 July 2017Research Reports Read More
Educate Australia Fair? Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan, Richard Seymour When we think of a ‘good society’ – a society that is fair and just – one of the defining characteristics is likely to be that all individuals have equal opportunity to realise their potential, irrespective of the circumstances into... Read article 28 June 2017Focus on The States Read More
Inquiry into housing policies, labour force participation and economic growth Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood, Stephen Whelan, Melek Cigdem, Kadir Atalay, Jago Dodson This Inquiry, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), presents evidence on how housing policies might promote labour force participation and economic growth through four channels—housing supply responsiveness, labour mobility, employment decisions and consumption. Despite strong evidence... Read article 27 June 2017Research Reports Read More
The Australian housing system: a quiet revolution? Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood The Australian housing system is quietly undergoing a major transformation. Many young and middle-aged home owners are paying down large mortgages that leave them precariously positioned on the margins of ownership. As house prices have remained stubbornly high relative to... Read article 1 June 2017Journal Articles Read More
Trade Diversion as Firm Adjustment to Trade Policy: Trong Hoai Nguyen, Toan Nguyen, Pham Hoang Van This paper evaluates the impact of the 2006 European Union anti-dumping (AD) action on Vietnamese footwear in three markets: imports to the EU, footwear producers in Vietnam, and the trade diversionary adjustment of Vietnamese firms in the US market. We... Read article 1 June 2017Journal Articles Read More
Life on the edge: a perspective on precarious home ownership in Australia and the UK Gavin Wood, Susan J. Smith, Melek Cigdem, Rachel Ong ViforJ This paper focuses on two countries with debt-funded ownership-centred housing systems, Australia and the UK. Financially, there are similarities between these two societies, which have relatively ‘complete’, reasonably well-regulated mortgage markets, had limited exposure to the extremes of subprime, and... Read article 1 April 2017Journal Articles Read More
Aboriginal assets? The impact of major agreements associated with native title in Western Australia Michael Dockery, Sarah Prout, Aileen Hoath Agreements negotiated under the regime created by the Native Title Act (1993) are often seen as having the potential to address disadvantage faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and promote Aboriginal economic independence. This applies particularly to regional... Read article 20 March 2017Research Reports Read More
A new look at the channels from housing to employment decisions Melek Cigdem, Rachel Ong ViforJ, Gavin Wood The purpose of this study, funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), is to investigate the role of current housing assistance arrangements, housing wealth and mortgages in individuals’ employment decisions. The study also explores whether bequests or... Read article 2 March 2017Research Reports Read More
Exchange rate fluctuations and immigrants’ labour market outcomes Ha Nguyen, Alan Duncan In this paper, we exploit plausibly exogenous changes in exchange rates across home countries over time and panel data to identify the causal impact of exchange rate fluctuations on Australian immigrants’ labour market outcomes. We present new and robust evidence... Read article 1 March 2017Journal Articles Read More
Cost-sharing in health insurance and its impact in a developing country– Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment Ha Nguyen, Luke B. Connelly Though the impact of cost-sharing on health care demand is well documented in developed countries, evidence from developing countries is rare. This paper’s contribution is to analyse the impact of increasing coinsurance in a developing nation -Vietnam – by exploiting... Read article 1 February 2017Working Papers Read More
On the role of governance and health aid on child mortality Yashar Tarverdi, Anu Rammohan Globally, child mortality rates continue to be unacceptably high despite improvement in child health outcomes. The role of macro level indicators, such as governance and health aid on child mortality, remains under-researched. The aim of this article is to analyse... Read article 1 February 2017Journal Articles Read More