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Author: Michael DockeryX
The influence of gender on pathways into the labor market Sandra Buchler, Michael Dockery Chapter 4: Developments in the education system and the labor market along with legislative changes over the last decades have given rise to expectations of decreasing gender inequality. First, women’s increased educational attainment, relative to that of men, is expected... Read article 5 October 2015Books and Book Chapters Read More
The Impact of Children on Australian Couples’ Wealth Accumulation Michael Dockery, Sherry Bawa Existing estimates of the cost of children focus on what parents spend on their children, which has limited relevance to parents’ financial capacity to meet those costs. An alternative indicator of the affordability of children, their impact upon couples’ wealth... Read article 7 May 2015Journal Articles Read More
When Two Worlds Collude Michael Dockery, Sherry Bawa Whether or not working from home or ‘telecommuting’ helps workers to balance work and family commitments, as opposed to providing an avenue for work to intrude on family life remains a contentious issue. On balance it seems the flexibility to... Read article 1 May 2015Working Papers Read More
Does school socio-economic status influence university outcomes? Ian W. Li, Michael Dockery This study explores the role of schools’ socioeconomic status in determining academic performance at university. Data for first year domestic undergraduates at an Australian university in 2011 to 2013 are linked to schools’ data to examine the role of student-... Read article 6 April 2015Journal Articles Read More
Promoting low socio-economic participation in higher education Michael Dockery, Richard Seymour, Paul Koshy As with other countries, Australia has been grappling with the identification, measurement and impact of disadvantage in higher education. In particular, the measurement of socio-economic status (SES) has been of central concern. The immediate solution in Australia has been the... Read article 2 March 2015Journal Articles Read More
A Wellbeing Approach to Mobility and its Application to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians Michael Dockery This paper demonstrates that key models of human mobility across several disciplines can be considered as specific cases of a broader conceptualisation of mobility in terms of its contribution to wellbeing. It is argued that this wellbeing perspective offers important... Read article 1 December 2014Journal Articles Read More
The Mining Boom and Indigenous Labour Market Outcomes Michael Dockery Much of Western Australia’s economic development and prosperity is derived from mining activity which takes place in remote areas in which Indigenous peoples disproportionately reside, and on country over which Indigenous Australians are now legally recognised as the custodians. It... Read article 1 December 2014Books and Book Chapters Read More
Falling Through the Cracks Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan The concept of disadvantage is one that invokes a number of connotations, including poverty, exclusion and deprivation. Generally disadvantage relates to a lack of resources and opportunity to achieve a basic standard of living. A number of Australian studies have... Read article 31 October 2014Focus on The States Read More
Workforce and Skills Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan, Kenneth Leong, Astghik Mavisakalyan The resources industry has been the driving force behind Western Australia’s remarkable economic trajectory over the last two decades, delivering billions of tonnes of iron ore to steel mills around the world. WA has prospered, wages have soared and unemployment... Read article 31 August 2014Focus on WA Read More
Is Working From Home Good Work or Bad Work? Michael Dockery, Sherry Bawa There is concern that workers are finding it increasingly difficult to balance work and family life and face growing time stress. Working from home is one form of flexibility in working arrangements that may assist workers to juggle work and... Read article 1 April 2014Working Papers Read More
Parents’ nonstandard work schedules and child well-being Jianghong Li, Garth Kendall, Michael Dockery There is concern that workers are finding it increasingly difficult to balance work and family life and face growing time stress. Working from home is one form of flexibility in working arrangements that may assist workers to juggle work and... Read article 1 February 2014Journal Articles Read More
Is Working from Home Good Work or Bad Work? Michael Dockery, Sherry Bawa Abstract There is concern that workers are finding it increasingly difficult to balance work and family life and face growing time stress. Working from home is one form of flexibility in working arrangements that may assist workers to juggle work... Read article 1 February 2014Journal Articles Read More