Understanding and preventing workforce vulnerabilities in midlife and beyond

Centre PersonnelAlan Duncan
External PersonnelRachel Ong ViforJ, Simon Biggs, Michael McGann, Riyana Miranti, Helen Kimberley, Dina Bowman
Research PartnersJobs Australia, Brotherhood of St Laurence, University of Melbourne, University of Canberra
Project FundingAustralian Research Council
Project StatusComplete (January 2012 to December 2016)

Project Summary

The dynamics, lived experience and outcomes of involuntary non-participation and underemployment by Australians in midlife and beyond are poorly understood, despite the critical social and economic importance of this issue. This project focuses on understanding and addressing pathways and outcomes for those mature age people whose non-participation or under-participation in paid work is not of their own choosing. The project seeks to understand some of the key drivers of underemployment among older age workers. Integrated quantitative and qualitative findings from this project will be used to inform policy and practice developments to better target interventions and support for this group of vulnerable baby boomers.