
Workforce and Skills: Western Australian labour markets in transition

WhereBankwest Place
300 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000
When21 August 2014, 7.30am to 9.00am

The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre invites you to the launch of the next report in the Focus on Western Australia report series, Workforce and skills: WA labour markets in transition.

One of the most important economic issues facing Western Australia is that of the state’s future workforce and skills needs. Maintaining WA’s strong economic growth trajectory as it moves from the construction to production phase of the resources boom is paramount to the future stability of the state, and is dependent on well-functioning labour markets and a healthy, skilled and productive workforce.

This third BCEC report seeks to understand the trajectory of the Western Australian labour market – where it has come from, where it currently stands, and where it is headed in a time of transition. What changes can we expect in demands for skilled labour in WA, and does the state’s workforce have sufficient versatility to adapt to a changed industrial landscape? The report highlights issues that West Australian workers can relate to on a personal level – equality of opportunity, work flexibility, job insecurity and the challenges of balancing work and family.

At this breakfast, assisted by commentary from an outstanding panel of experts: Irina Cattalini CEO, Western Australian Council on Social Services (WACOSS); Dr John Edwards, Member of the Board, Reserve Bank of Australia and Adjunct Professor, John Curtin Institute of Public Policy; and Dr Ruth Shean Director General, Department of Training and Workforce Development, we hope to generate discussion among our audience on how to maximise WA’s workforce potential.

Registrations have now closed for this event.