
Economic and social data analysis

WhereCloisters, Level 1/863 Hay Street, Perth, WA, 6000
WhenWednesday 11 October - Thursday 12 October 2023, 9.00am-4.30pm

This two-day masterclass run by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre provides course attendees with a practical introduction to the most common applied quantitative and statistical methods for business, economic and social data analysis.

The course is designed to equip attendees with the quantitative skills that support data-driven business decisions and evidence-based policy making.

Instruction is delivered in a way that conveys an intuitive understanding of data analytical methods, with an emphasis on the interpretation and communication of results and provides a series of tips and tricks for effective descriptive and statistical analysis.

The course is structured around a combination of accessible lecture-based instruction and practical computer exercises using real world datasets to illustrate techniques and approaches that support a better understanding of economic and social outcomes, for example: What are the key determinants of wages and hours decisions? What contributes most to the likelihood of experiencing of poverty? What factors drive business revenues or profits?

Participants will be provided with an introduction to the use of the open source R statistical programming language and the R-Studio interface to illustrate the modelling methods covered in the masterclass.

Some experience in statistical data analysis is preferred but the course is practical in nature and will not dwell too heavily on theory or algebra.

Who is the program for?

The target audience includes public policy professionals, analysts from the private and community sectors, academics and social scientists, early career researchers, as well as Honours and postgraduate research students.

Some introductory experience in statistical concepts and data analysis would be beneficial.

Learning Outcomes

The course will focus on;