Pilbara Water Resources Situational Analysis
Water is a critical resource in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, a vast and diverse landscape that has been home to more than 31 Aboriginal language groups for at least 50,000 years.
It is also home to globally significant mining and energy production, which represented 3.1 per cent of Australia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $1.985 trillion in 2020.
The allocation, use, and relocation of water are major components of the Pilbara’s economic activity.
Thus, all sectors of the community face a range of water-related challenges.
A Water Resources Situational Analysis (WRSA) is one way of documenting these challenges.
It combines a review of documented information and stakeholder insights to identify water-related values, challenges, and opportunities.
As such, it aims to foster more dialogue between any stakeholders with an interest water stewardship in the Pilbara, and hopefully provide a platform for reform.
This document includes an overview of the Pilbara region and associated water resources and outlines the approach taken in developing this WRSA.
The process involved a review of publicly available information and engagement with stakeholders.
The findings of this review are presented. Further, the document identifies potential collective actions.
More information can be found in What is a Water Resource Situational Analysis? on the BHP website.