COVID-19 Insights
Analysis of costs and savings of Proposed Reforms to Higher Education
The Australian Government recently announced a Higher Education Reform Package that has the overarching objective of incentivising students to “make more job-relevant decisions about their education”. The proposed reforms includes changes to both student and Commonwealth contributions to higher education... Read article

Impact and Response of Businesses in Australia to COVID-19
COVID-19 has significantly impacted on businesses and workers over the last three months, with most business predictions reported back in March playing out across the sectors. Businesses have had to make big changes to their workforce, both in terms of... Read article

Working from Home in the COVID-19 Lockdown
Working from Home in the COVID-19 Lockdown Working from home is suddenly the new normal as many organisations and workers try to keep operating under the social distancing restrictions needed to stamp out the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Working... Read article

Potential Job Losses in the COVID-19 Pandemic
The necessary government response to COVID-19 saw tens of thousands of Australians out of a job and lines stretching down the footpaths of Centrelink offices across the nation. Workers immediately impacted by new trading regulations are those employed primarily in... Read article

Physical Isolation: Staying Connected During COVID-19
Most of our Social Interactions are already Digital – So will Physical Isolation Change Anything? Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that there are new rules around how we should interact with each other. There are strict limitations... Read article