NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet

The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) leads the NSW public sector to deliver on the Government’s commitments and priorities. In fulfilling this role, the Department:

  • supports the Premier and Cabinet to identify, design and implement a coordinated policy, project and reform agenda that boosts the efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of NSW
  • partners with agencies, as well as the private, not-for-profit and academic sectors, to optimise public sector performance and ensure that services are delivered on time, within budget and to the community’s expectations
  • takes an integrated approach to getting better results from whole of government projects and service delivery across the public sector
  • coordinates the initiatives of Ministers and their agencies to achieve the Government’s targets
  • manages the passage of Government legislation
  • supports the delivery of major projects to enhance the economic and social wellbeing of NSW
  • coordinates and plans significant state events to ensure their quality and benefit to the community along with their safety
  • works with the Federal Government and other states and territory governments to design and implement national reforms.
