What’s hot in 2017 from the Centre’s expert on innovation

BCEC Research Fellow Dr Steven Bond-Smith – the Centre’s resident expert on innovation – recently presented at MinterEllison’s ConnectME seminar on “What’s hot in 2017”.
The seminar shed light on trends and opportunities expected in WA over the course of 2017, through a panel discussion with emerging leaders in agriculture, innovation and economics.
Steven was joined by panellists Elizabeth Brennan from Moora Citrus and Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and Andrew Hall, CEO and Founder of Formalytics, as they shared their insights on the future for their industries this year.
Steven discussed the importance of collaboration and frequent interaction to stimulate innovation, including the need for innovators to continue developing their communication skills and networks.
“Initial ideas are usually only part-formed and they don’t become complete innovations until you develop or find that vital piece of missing knowledge from a fellow innovator,” Dr Bond-Smith said.
“It’s important for innovators to remember electronic communications are complementary, and not a substitute for face-to-face meetings. Take a look at your own inbox, I bet that the vast majority of your emails are from colleagues in your city, and usually, in the same office as you.
“Developing your networks through face-to-face connection is key to exchanging ideas with trusted collaborators, particularly if you’re in Perth – the most isolated city in the world.”
The event was facilitated by Cath Langmead, Director of Advocacy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA and was hosted by ConnectME, a network established by MinterEllison’s Junior Lawyers’ Collective.