Training Course: Economic Data Analysis Using STATA

Level 1, 140 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
This course by Professor Alan Duncan offers a practical introduction to applied economic data and regression analysis, with a design that caters specifically for those seeking to refresh or develop their skills in quantitative economic and social policy modelling. The course is structured around a combination of accessible lectures and practical computer exercises. Instruction is delivered in a way that conveys an intuitive understanding of econometric methods, without dwelling heavily on econometric theory.
Specific instruction in the use of the STATA data and statistical analysis software package is provided, with practical
exercises used throughout the course in order that participants are able to develop their quantitative modelling skills.
Participants cover methods in applied data analysis and linear regression, with a focus on model specification and
construction, the practical interpretation of regression results, and a critical assessment of model properties through
diagnostic testing.
The target audience includes postgraduate research students, early career researchers, as well as public policy
professionals, private sector analysts, academics and social scientists.
Course Programme:
• applied data analysis in STATA
• basics of regression
• basics of STATA
• model construction
• interpreting coefficients
• prediction and model fit
• specification issues
• testing hypothesis
Economic Data Analysis with STATA has been designed as the first of a two-part training course series that
additionally provides training in applied microeconometric methods (further details below).
The course can also be taken as a standalone training program.