National Science Week Lecture: Life in the age of autonomous vehicles
Building 213 Room 104
Curtin University, Bentley
In our lifetimes we can expect to see autonomous vehicles on our streets. This will change all facets of our lives, from the reduced risk of being in a crash to decreased environmental emissions and greater social inclusion for the elderly and disabled.
Our cities will be reshaped as space no longer needs to be dedicated to parking and can be used to benefit humans instead.
In this special National Science Week lecture Professor Simone Pettigrew from Curtin’s School of Psychology, and Mr Tom Goerke, Director of the Cisco Innovation Centre in Perth, will present their BCEC-funded research on the many and varied ways in which vehicle automation will change our daily activities and the environments in which we live.
The psychological barriers and motivators relating to individuals’ receptiveness to driverless cars will be outlined, along with proposed methods of addressing concerns and optimising the benefits for society.