
International Trade and the Western Australian Economy

WhereBelleVue Ballroom 2, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
WhenFriday 21 July 2023, 7.15am (for a 7.30am start) - 9.00am

Download the report, Trading Up: International trade futures and the Western Australian Economy.

The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre invites you to the launch of our new report, examining international trade and the Western Australian economy.

This latest Focus on Industry report will examine the benefits, opportunities and challenges that exist for the WA economy in relation to trade and investment.

Join us for this special breakfast event on Friday 21 July, with expert panel: Jane Caforio, WA State Lead and Resources and Energy Trade Manager, Austrade; Chris Rodwell, Chief Executive Officer, Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA; Simone Spencer, Deputy Director General – Strategy and International Engagement, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation; and Rebecca Tomkinson, Chief Executive Officer, Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia, in a facilitated panel conversation with Ben Harvey, Chief Reporter, The West Australian.

(L-R) Jane Caforio, Chris Rodwell, Simone Spencer and Rebecca Tomkinson.

Hear from report co-authors Professor Alan Duncan, Director, and Dr Daniel Kiely, Senior Research Fellow, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, as they discuss the research findings.

Professor Vanessa Chang, Pro Vice-Chancellor Business and Law, Curtin University, will give opening remarks and Jason Chan, Executive General Manager, Bankwest, will deliver closing remarks.

Composite head shots of four men in business suits, and one woman wearing a dark floral blouse
(L-R): Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Ben Harvey, Vanessa Chang and Jason Chan.

About the report

WA has unique characteristics and resource endowments that differentiate its trading strengths and specialisations from other jurisdictions in Australia. Countries have become increasingly interconnected and interdependent through globalisation – something that has been highlighted through the COVID-19 pandemic with lockdowns and restrictions impacting global supply chains, and in turn business profitability, employment, and the price of goods and services.

Geopolitical tensions, especially with China, along with the recent attack on Ukraine, have also thrown into much sharper relief the risks to food and energy security and the need for WA to consider its sovereign capability in the production and control of essential defence and security goods and services.

Climate change and net zero emission targets are also progressively changing the international trade landscape, reorienting global demands more towards green imports. Although there are challenges, there are opportunities too for WA businesses to benefit from the transition to net zero.

This report launch seeks to explore the scale and scope of these challenges and highlight the opportunities for WA’s future economic prosperity.

About the event

DATE: Friday 21 July 2023

TIME: 7.15am (7.30am sharp start) – 9.00am

LOCATION: BelleVue Ballroom 2, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

COST: $69 per individual ticket, $552 per table of eight, $49 per student ticket, $49 per Curtin alumni ticket

For any questions or help with registering, please email bcec@curtin.edu.au or ring us on +61 8 9266 1744.

Registrations for this event have now closed. If you would like to purchase a ticket, please email bcec@curtin.edu.au.