Housing Affordability in Western Australia 2023

21 Mounts Bay Road, Boorloo (Perth) WA 6000
Read Housing Affordability in Western Australia 2023: Building for the future here.
The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) invites you to the launch of of the next research report in the Centre’s Focus on WA housing affordability series.
This latest report compares housing affordability in Western Australia to other state jurisdictions, for both homeowners and renters. Our research will highlight the suburbs across the country that people can afford to live in, and how these have changed as a result of rising interest rates and rental costs.
The report also explores a number of other contemporary questions related to Australia’s housing market: What are the factors that influence housing transitions and changes in housing status? Is our existing dwelling stock meeting people’s housing needs and aspirations and is new dwelling supply sufficient to address demand? And what role do local, state and Commonwealth government policy have to play in navigating through the housing market pressures that so many in Australia are experiencing?

Hosted by Nadia Mitsopoulos, Journalist and Presenter, ABC Radio Perth, we are holding a special lunch event on Friday 5 May, with expert panel: Leon McIvor, Deputy Director General, Housing & Assets, Department of Communities; Natalie Sangalli, General Manager, Community Housing, Housing Choices Western Australia; Tanya Steinbeck, Chief Executive Officer, Urban Development Institute of Australia, Western Australia; and Chris Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation Housing.

Professor Alan Duncan, Director, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, and Professor Steven Rowley, Director, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute – Curtin Research Centre will present research findings from the new Housing Affordability in Western Australia 2023 report, with Peter Bouhlas, General Manager, Home Buying Bankwest, to give opening remarks, and Professor Vanessa Chang, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Business and Law, Curtin University, to give the Vote of Thanks.

Date: Friday 5 May 2023
Time: 11:30am (12:00pm start) – 2:00pm
Location: Ballroom 1, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Boorloo (Perth), WA
Cost: $89 per individual ticket, $712 per table of eight, $59 per student ticket, $59 per Curtin alumni ticket
For any questions or help with registering, please email bcec@curtin.edu.au or ring us on +61 8 9266 1744.