COVID-19 Insights

The impacts of COVID-19 are rapidly evolving and affecting the world in unprecedented and confronting ways.

BCEC is committed to providing the analysis and expert commentary needed to understand how COVID-19 is impacting the Australian labour market and economy. We will be adding updates regularly to this web page, including new interactive data, analysis and insights.


Work and mental health implications of COVID-19


Working from home in the COVID-19 lockdown


Short-Term and Long-Term Casual Workers


Job Keepers and Job Seekers: Who loses and who gains?


Potential Job Losses in the COVID-19 Pandemic


Physical Isolation: Staying Connected During COVID-19

COVID-19 Insights

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Analysis of costs and savings of Proposed Reforms to Higher Education Rebecca Cassells, Steven Bond-Smith The Australian Government recently announced a Higher Education Reform Package that has the overarching objective of incentivising students to “make more job-relevant decisions about their education”. The proposed reforms includes changes to both student and Commonwealth contributions to higher education... Read article 23 July 2020COVID-19 Insights  |  COVID-19 Insights Read More
Impact and Response of Businesses in Australia to COVID-19 Rebecca Cassells, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Astghik Mavisakalyan COVID-19 has significantly impacted on businesses and workers over the last three months, with most business predictions reported back in March playing out across the sectors. Businesses have had to make big changes to their workforce, both in terms of... Read article 7 July 2020COVID-19 Insights  |  COVID-19 Insights Read More
Work and Mental Health – Implications of COVID-19 Rebecca Cassells, Michael Dockery, Alan Duncan, Daniel Kiely, Astghik Mavisakalyan There is significant concern about rising mental distress as a result of the pandemic and its economic consequences; with rates of anxiety, loneliness and stress increasing. Increased stress and anxiety may have been driven primarily by isolation and health concerns... Read article 25 May 2020COVID-19 Insights  |  Health and Wellbeing  |  Social Issues  |  Workforce and Skills Read More
Working from Home in the COVID-19 Lockdown Michael Dockery, Sherry Bawa Working from Home in the COVID-19 Lockdown Working from home is suddenly the new normal as many organisations and workers try to keep operating under the social distancing restrictions needed to stamp out the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Working... Read article 8 May 2020COVID-19 Insights  |  Workforce and Skills  |  COVID-19 Insights Read More