Carolyn Dickie
Carolyn joined Curtin after developing an extensive professional/industry background in banking and finance, leadership and management, human resource as well as training and development. In addition to her corporate experience Carolyn maintains her contact with the not-for-profit sector as Chair of the Constable Care Child Safety Foundation.
She has been awarded academic prizes for her research and teaching activities at Curtin Business School and in the wider University. Carolyn has undertaken fundamental research in a range of disciplines, published widely in academic journals and written books in the areas of management, strategic management, diversity and higher degrees by research. In addition to her excellence in teaching, Carolyn has designed and developed educational programmes delivered in WA and overseas.
Carolyn’s formal academic qualifications were gained in WA. She maintains a wide circle of academic contacts in Asia, Canada, the United States and Europe through her membership of different organisations and as a visiting academic.