Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Annual Report 2021
Much like 2020, the year 2021 will be remembered as one of the most challenging and disruptive in recent history. The economic and social shocks of the global pandemic continued to be felt around the world and drove the need for timely, trusted and independent research and analysis on the issues facing the Australian economy and society. Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre continued to be a key sought after source that addressed this need.
Over the course of the year, our researchers produced compelling insights into some of the most important economic, social and health issues of our time.
And our research went further, raising awareness of the factors that most affect community wellbeing, proposing actions for businesses, and putting forward recommendations for policy reform. This is why the Centre is increasingly seen as a key resource for policymakers, industry and advocacy groups.
Read on for the full snap shot of the Centre’s activities and impact in 2021.