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Research Theme: Policy EvaluationX
Female autonomy in household decision-making and intimate partner violence: Evidence from Pakistan
The aim of this study is to explore the links between female autonomy in household decision-making and intimate partner violence in a highly relevant yet under-studied context: Pakistan. Using a nationally representative dataset, and employing matching and partial identification estimation... Read article
JobKeeper: The efficacy of Australia’s first short-time wage subsidy
The Australian JobKeeper wage subsidy is an unprecedented public policy response to a once in a century health and economic crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of this paper is on the efficacy of the Australian JobKeeper program... Read article
Household density and children’s wellbeing in Australia: Are children’s homes too empty?
Living in crowded housing has been associated with poorer physical and mental health outcomes, with a greater emphasis on the psychological effects when the underlying quality of housing is high. Hence ‘overcrowding’ features as a housing condition extensively studied in... Read article
The Early Years: Investing in our Future Presentation
This latest report in the Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series, the thirteenth in this series, looks at the importance of the early years for young children in influencing outcomes in later life. It also highlights the disparity between advantage and... Read article
The Early Years: Investing in our Future
This latest report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series, the thirteenth in this series, looks to add to our understanding of the lives of young children in Australia, the environment within which they live and... Read article
Autonomous vehicles and cycling: Policy implications and management issues
Cycling as a form of active transport has great benefits for individuals and society, yet prevalence rates in many countries are low. The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is likely to have substantial implications for cyclists, however little is known... Read article
Measuring governance: Why do errors matter?
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) are well-known proxies for institutions and are widely used in many studies across different disciplines. Each of the six WGI is constructed by aggregating several baseline indicators that reflect information about a single latent variable.... Read article
Environmental Policy: An Economic Perspective
Chapter 2 Responses to Climate Change Worldwide: Individual Preferences and Policy Actions around the World This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of climate change policies and actions around the world. At the level of countries, we document the differences in... Read article
Analysis of costs and savings of Proposed Reforms to Higher Education
The Australian Government recently announced a Higher Education Reform Package that has the overarching objective of incentivising students to “make more job-relevant decisions about their education”. The proposed reforms includes changes to both student and Commonwealth contributions to higher education... Read article
Job Keepers and Job Seekers: How many workers will lose and how many will gain?
In response to the predicted job losses and business closures brought on by responses to COVID-19, the government has announced an unprecedented Job Keeper package at a cost of $130 billion. The package is expected to reach more than 6... Read article
Inter-generational transmission of Indigenous culture and children’s wellbeing: Evidence from Australia
A limited body of empirical evidence suggests a strong sense of cultural identity promotes wellbeing and other socio-economic outcomes for First Nations people, including for Indigenous Australians. A challenge to this evidence is potential endogeneity: that Indigenous people who achieve... Read article
A multi-sector model of relatedness, growth and industry clustering
This article builds an understanding of regional innovation specialisation by developing a multi-sector model with endogenous growth through quality improving innovations and spillovers from related technologies. The model provides an approach to incorporate the relatedness literature within the mainstream theoretical... Read article